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macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
"Respond over Media Source" is highly welcome! I hate how the car goes into phone call mode whenever I ask Siri for anything.

Would be nice to also have "Always respond on iPhone speaker", keeping bluetooth devices away from Siri entirely. I don't need the whole party to hear Siri's response if I ask it something when playing music over Bluetooth at a gathering, etc.

There was also the option several years ago to tell Siri which microphone to listen from. Back when it was full screen only, there was a little Bluetooth icon in the bottom right. That went away when the full screen interface did and was never replaced.

So in my car if connected via Bluetooth it only wants to listen to microphone input via the ****** car microphone, not its excellent built in microphone array. And there is no way to tell it not to.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2021
Alton, IL
I’m not sure that it’s entirely Apple’s fault. When anything like that happens in my Subaru I press the ‘Radio’ button on the dashboard. The radio comes back, then the map is displayed again.
Yeah - it may partially be a design flaw with the stereos supporting CarPlay, more than something in iOS itself?
But it seems like something Apple could work around, regardless. (EG. If you know CarPlay is in use and an app plays a sound but the sounds ends? Only leave that audio pathway open for a few more seconds, and then close it again.) As far as I can tell, the entire problem has to do with the phone leaving the app defaulted as transmitting audio via CarPlay after it's done playing whatever alert sound or chime it made.
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macrumors member
May 21, 2020
Because it is NOT a horrible idea, only ridiculous conspiracies think its a horrible idea, which I and the majority of people don’t subscribe to.
The system is designed so you don’t ever hand over your device. You present your ID something like this: bring your phone near to a terminal, like Apple Pay. It tells your device which pieces of information it is requesting. You can decide (maybe) which pieces of information to share, or you can cancel the operation. Continuous custody of your device, agency/choice, and data minimization are baked in.
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