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macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2013
Minnesota, USA
"Any app can be locked behind Face ID, Touch ID, or an iPhone's passcode on iOS 18, including the Messages app." Hmmm. How might this affect the sweet importing of 2FA codes into apps logins? Will msg app need to be open? Does this add a step?
Nope, this does not add a step aside from essentially needing one of those afformentioned factors to then open the app

Once the app is open, you will then login the same as you did before
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macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2005
Does RCS allow for us to message internationally without a charge, or will it still be counted as SMS?
Here you go, according to ChatGPT:

Does RCS allow for us to message internationally without a charge, or will it still be counted as SMS?

RCS (Rich Communication Services) is a protocol designed to replace traditional SMS messaging with a richer, more multimedia-enhanced experience. Whether RCS messages sent internationally will incur charges depends on several factors:
  1. Carrier Support and Agreements: RCS messages are typically sent over the internet rather than through traditional SMS channels. However, carriers may still have agreements in place regarding international messaging charges, especially if RCS messages are routed through their networks.
  2. Data Usage: Since RCS messages use data to send multimedia content and other enhanced features, carriers may treat RCS messages differently than SMS in terms of billing. Some carriers may include RCS messages in data plans or charge separately for data usage, particularly if sent internationally.
  3. Recipient's RCS Compatibility: For RCS to work seamlessly internationally, both the sender and the recipient need to have RCS-capable devices and be connected to RCS-enabled networks. If the recipient's carrier or device does not support RCS, the message might fall back to SMS/MMS, which could incur standard SMS/MMS charges depending on the sender's carrier plan.
In summary, while RCS itself is designed to provide a richer messaging experience and potentially reduce reliance on traditional SMS/MMS, whether international RCS messages incur charges or are counted as SMS depends on carrier agreements and how they handle data and messaging plans. It's advisable to check with your carrier for specific details regarding international RCS messaging charges.
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