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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

iOS 18 adds many new features to the Messages app, including the ability to schedule messages to be sent later, the ability to use any emoji or sticker as a Tapback, text formatting options like bold and italics, and much more.


iOS 18 is currently available in beta for members of the Apple Developer Program, with a public beta to follow in July. The software update should be widely released in September, and it is compatible with the iPhone XS and newer.

Below, we outline everything new in the Messages app on iOS 18, including some smaller changes that Apple's website does not mention.

Schedule Messages

iMessages can now be scheduled to be sent at a later date and time in both individual and group conversations. As of the first iOS 18 beta, you can schedule a message to be sent up to 14 days later. After scheduling a message, it becomes visible to you in a dotted-line bubble, with edit, delete, and reschedule options.


To access this feature, tap the plus sign to the left of the text field, tap More, and tap Send Later.

Tapback Changes

Redesigned Tapbacks

The classic set of Tapback icons are now colorful, including the heart, thumbs up, thumbs down, HA HA, exclamation marks, and question mark.


Emoji Tapbacks

You can now use any emoji or sticker as a Tapback.


Improved Visibility

It is now easier to view multiple Tapback reactions on a single message.

Text Formatting and Effects

Bold, italics, underline, and strikeout formatting is finally available for iMessages. In addition, there are all-new text effects that can animate words within an iMessage, including Big, Small, Shake, Nod, Explode, Ripple, Bloom, and Jitter.



Messages via Satellite (U.S. Only)

iOS 18 allows you to send and receive both iMessages and SMS messages via a satellite connection, even if there is no emergency.


This feature will work with messages, emoji, and Tapbacks, and all iMessages sent over satellite are secured with end-to-end encryption.

Messages via satellite is available on all iPhone 14 models and newer in the U.S. only at launch.

Hands-on demo videos show the feature in action.

RCS Support (Later This Year)

Apple's website says that iOS 18 will support RCS (Rich Communication Services) in the Messages app. While this feature is not enabled in the first iOS 18 beta, Apple said it will be rolled out later this year, likely by time iOS 18 is widely released.


WWDC keynote slide confirming RCS support on iOS 18

RCS support will result in the following improvements to the default messaging experience between iPhones and Android devices:
  • Higher-resolution photos and videos
  • Audio messages
  • Typing indicators
  • Read receipts
  • Wi-Fi messaging
  • Improved group chats, including the ability for iPhone users to leave a conversation that includes Android users
SMS continues to be supported as well.

Emoji and Link Card Changes

When you send a message with only a single emoji, it now appears even larger than before.


Link cards are now more colorful, with the background better matching the linked content.

For some links, you can now choose between full-size and compact link cards, and there is an option to send a link as plain text instead.

Other Changes

Article Link: Here's Everything New in the Messages App on iOS 18
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macrumors 65816
Nov 25, 2022
I guess all the genuinely cool features are only available between phones running iOS 18? 🤔

As for iPhones that can't update to iOS 18, and Android phones... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2024
RCS will be good for the American-centric audience, if you aren't already on telegram, whatsapp etc. But Apple definitely gives the impression that its all about malicious compliance for that feature, so I also dont expect anything but the bare minimum to comply with China's request
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macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2024
Wonder how much a satellite iMessage costs. I could see location sharing would be the ideal use, like an hourly ping. I would love that for hiking
they're being quiet on that front because either they dont know, need to establish some sort of service agreement or its costly. Couldnt say which it would be, lets hope for the first two
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macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2024
I heard somewhere that scheduled messages only works with iMessage and doesn't work with SMS or RCS. Does anyone know for sure?
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macrumors newbie
Oct 16, 2011
Does anyone know if users in a group chat are still notified about TapBacks / reactions to a message that they didn't send?

E.G., in a 4-person group chat will everyone be notified if I react to a message, or just the sender of that message?


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
RCS will be good for the American-centric audience, if you aren't already on telegram, whatsapp etc. But Apple definitely gives the impression that its all about malicious compliance for that feature, so I also dont expect anything but the bare minimum to comply with China's request
RCS is about the only thing I truly care about. I'm not in the USA, but we are their neighbour. Telegram is pretty much irrelevant here. It seems the ones that are most popular worldwide are WhatsApp, WeChat, and Messenger, in that order. (I know way, way more people on WeChat than on Telegram.)

Since RCS won't be rolled out anytime soon, I'll hold off on the beta then, since everything else in iOS 18 is at best a bonus for me, or else superfluous.


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2005
I welcome 'Text Formatting and Effects,' but my biggest concern is the underline, which looks a lot like a hyperlink. I hope they remove the underline option.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 23, 2011
Leeds, UK
The Send Later function needs to be in the long-press-send-button menu, anywhere else is completely unintuitive. It’s an option for sending, why on earth wouldn’t you find it in the send menu?
Instant messaging seems to have supplanted email for personal communication.
That was thirty years ago!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2015
some changes are good (eg RCS), some I don't care about, and then some make it more like an email replacement ...
My question is - what is the percentage of bulk-up (in packets and thus carriers' reception to this) this will bloat text messages with?
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macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2024
My question is - what is the parentage of bulk-up (in packets) this will bloat text messages with?
its negligible really. maybe it would have been a big deal in the pre-3G era but not now


  • Comparison-of-Bandwidth-Overhead-and-Throughput-Gain-between-RCS-and-RAP.png
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macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2023
Thanks God that my country and most people around the world use the best messenger in the world - WhatsApp 🙌🏼

I‘m not dependent of this
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