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macrumors regular
Feb 21, 2020

Installed Instagram, Whatsapp (linked divice) and Telegram and tested the notifications and all worked fine. Can't test iMessage since I don't use an iCloud account in the phone.

I have this iPhone basically as an iPod with Youtube. YT Music and Spotify so can't do a proper test since is not my daily phone.

I think may be some problem with the Apple servers since you a seeing random notifications but I just can't discard that Apple really killed the SE1.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Thanks for checking.

However mine also work fine at first, but gradually worsens over a few days.
Erase and reinstall starts the process again.

All was fine on both phones until 2 weeks ago.

Interesting what you say about Apple’s servers though- does a WhatsApp notification (for example) rely on an Apple server to generate a notification?
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2023
For what it’s worth, texts and Discord notifications work just fine on my 5s running iOS 12.5.7. No time bombs here.

Also, FaceTimed my friend who has a spare iPod on 6.1.6 the other day.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Yes true the older iOS still work fine. But unfortunately won’t install many current apps, and downgrading isn’t possible anyway.
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macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2023
Yes true the older iOS still work fine. But unfortunately won’t install many current apps, and downgrading isn’t possible anyway.
Yeah... Or it IS possible and it’s just too much work. Jailbreaking and such.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
A couple of hundred thousand would be my guess. Outside of the fanboy tech bubble you might be surprised how many people are still using the 5/SE daily.

So perhaps you have a better explanation for the scenario I’ve outlined in my first post?
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
do you have a link for 15.8.2 jailbreak on the SE1? I’ll try anything at this point before both phones get consigned to landfill.


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2023
As for the laugh reaction I left before replying, sorry about that. It came off as derisive. While I don’t think they’re sabotaging old phones, it’s not THAT far fetched of a theory.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
They sabotaged the iPhone 6 by encouraging everyone to install iOS 12 on it — which absolutely ruined that phone — so yeah, they’ve got an agenda for sure
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macrumors 6502
May 28, 2022
South Wales, UK
If you google Instagram notifications not coming through iOS you’ll find a lot of people have similar issues to you. Not all of them are on your phone. I am using an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I haven’t been getting reliable third party app notifications since December despite reinstalls etc.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 1, 2021
iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 and 6 Plus should have stopped at iOS 10

I would downgrade my iPhone 13 Pro to iOS 15.x or iOS 16.x if only Apple allows it

Downgrading iOS and iPadOS should also be looked at by investigatory bodies...


macrumors member
May 25, 2021
Is it only third party apps that are affected, or all apps? Also curious what is your battery health at, if it's below 80%, could try getting a replacement.

IMO If it's all apps AND it's a re-occurring problem even after a fresh software install, that could indicates a hardware issue, not software.

Also for funsies: Looks like less than ~1.4% of all active iPhones are SE Gen 1. Not saying that's a small/large amount, just providing a data point. Neat!

Last point: This model has been released for a bit more than 8 years at this point, and has been discontinued for almost 6 of those years. No company can support devices forever. They're classified as vintage devices, so Apple isn't on the hook to service them. In fact, it'll likely be obsolete this fall.

If you've been using this phone for 6-8 years daily it's gonna have wear and tear. No consumer electronic will last forever and they can develop faults as materials degrade over time.

Apple says parts and service can be obtained for 5-7 years, with batteries up to 10. Which is why i suggest looking at getting a battery replacement, or taking it to a third party repair shop to see if they can find anything else to fix in the circuitry.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 16, 2020
I have an SE1 as an outdoors mobile, with its own SIM card, and as far as I know it works fine, including Google Photos (see earlier post). I turned off iMessage on my main 13 mini, and then sent an SMS, and my SE1 immediately got a notification. I also have WhatsApp and FB Messenger, and they also work fine.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 19, 2022
Bar a mysterious bug last month where the weather and calendar apps just disappeared I've not had any issues.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Is it only third party apps that are affected, or all apps? Also curious what is your battery health at, if it's below 80%, could try getting a replacement.

IMO If it's all apps AND it's a re-occurring problem even after a fresh software install, that could indicates a hardware issue, not software.

Also for funsies: Looks like less than ~1.4% of all active iPhones are SE Gen 1. Not saying that's a small/large amount, just providing a data point. Neat!

Last point: This model has been released for a bit more than 8 years at this point, and has been discontinued for almost 6 of those years. No company can support devices forever. They're classified as vintage devices, so Apple isn't on the hook to service them. In fact, it'll likely be obsolete this fall.

If you've been using this phone for 6-8 years daily it's gonna have wear and tear. No consumer electronic will last forever and they can develop faults as materials degrade over time.

Apple says parts and service can be obtained for 5-7 years, with batteries up to 10. Which is why i suggest looking at getting a battery replacement, or taking it to a third party repair shop to see if they can find anything else to fix in the circuitry.
1.46% - that's way more than I thought - and would equate to around 20 million iphone SE1s currently in use (a bit more than '100' mentioned by another user on this forum...)

It's all apps, not only 3rd party. Both phones are >95% battery health as they have been replaced multiple times since 2016.
I first thought a possible hardware issue, until I realised they had both started having the same problem simultaneously.
Just to clarify, I'm not expecting this device to be supported forever, I'm simply trying to get to the bottom of why all mine are simultaneously going wrong.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
I have an SE and 7 Plus on the latest version of iOS 15 and haven’t had an issue with notifications
This is good to hear - although can I ask are you using the SE on a daily / very regular basis?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
As for the laugh reaction I left before replying, sorry about that. It came off as derisive. While I don’t think they’re sabotaging old phones, it’s not THAT far fetched of a theory.
Oh it's fine. The default response of fanboys is to laugh off any suggestion of Apple manipulating their devices, so I'm grateful of your suggestions.
It's a pity that a semi-untethered jailbreak probably wouldn't work for me as I travel a lot. I'm still digging into the details though.
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macrumors demi-god
Aug 1, 2008
Durango, Colorado
This is good to hear - although can I ask are you using the SE on a daily / very regular basis?
I use the 7 Plus more than the SE but I haven’t noticed any notifications not coming through. I would like to think if there was a bug with notifications on 15.8.2 it wouldn’t just affect one device
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