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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This year I’ve noticed I’ve got a patrol of blue dragon flies when I work in my garden and I think they are my mosquito body guards! They are my best new buddies. 😀 But it’s tough to get a meaningful image of them.


Not my image.​

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
This year I’ve noticed I’ve got a patrol of blue dragon flies when I work in my garden and I think they are my mosquito body guards! They are my best new buddies. 😀 But it’s tough to get a meaningful image of them.

View attachment 2380963
Not my image.​
lol. I thought what’s wrong with that image? Then I saw it said not yours!

A decent camera and macro lens is what you need.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
My iPhone is quite helpful, enough so that I can ditch my Plant Snap App. I’ve got an unusual plant growing in my wild flower bed. Always wonder if it is legitimate or an invader. Took A picture of it and used the built in plant IF capability. It produced an image with the exact flower and ID it as an Evening Primrose, with a yellow flower. This plant as it currently is, does not look impressive, slightly better than weed status.


2 Days later, the bottom of this plant was stripped by caterpillars. Chems deployed. 😬
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Brought in from the yard, skeeters follow us in. This device is designed to eradicate them. It’s satisfying to hear a loud snap. Paid $35 for it.



macrumors 68040
May 18, 2004
Brought in from the yard, skeeters follow us in....

skeets! ack!

When I lived in Minnesota, those things made summer life miserable. Fortunately I lived within the metropolitan mosquito control district, which greatly reduced the problem
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macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2019
After 5 years I was finally able to get my preferred grass seed, a mix of SR5130 Chewings Fine Fescue and Ruddy Strong Creeping Red Fescue. A lawn with nothing but Fine Fescue is not common. I did a partial renovation and over seeded two months ago and the lawn is starting to fill in and thicken. I mow under an inch long with a reel mower. My wife manages the garden beds and is the artist. My lawn is simply the frame.

From this morning.


From June 4th.

Lawn 06042024 1000p.jpg

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
After 5 years I was finally able to get my preferred grass seed, a mix of SR5130 Chewings Fine Fescue and Ruddy Strong Creeping Red Fescue. A lawn with nothing but Fine Fescue is not common. I did a partial renovation and over seeded two months ago and the lawn is starting to fill in and thicken. I mow under an inch long with a reel mower. My wife manages the garden beds and is the artist. My lawn is simply the frame.

From this morning.

View attachment 2390352

From June 4th.

View attachment 2390353
Wow. What a lawn. Where are the daisy's, clover and creeping Jenny? Oh and the moss!
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
A lawn with nothing but Fine Fescue is not common.
When I lived back east we used a mix of Fescue and KY Bluegrass.

But then I hired a guy to mow my lawn and he brought in some bermuda or zoysia and it just made it look like crap. Fought for years to get rid of it.

But then I moved to AZ where they talk about maintenance free landscape. BS. I have watered more plants here than I ever did back east. Wife says once they make it a year they won't need as much watering. I'll believe it when I am not out watering.

Hope to get a break if monsoon season ever gets here.


macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2019
Wow. What a lawn. Where are the daisy's, clover and creeping Jenny? Oh and the moss!

We might have a small patch of creeping Jenny in the front SE corner garden but no Daisies and no clover on purpose. My wife goes for more of a hosta, tree, shrub style. With all the trees and shade moss is inevitable but I manage to keep it under control Dawn dish soap is surprisingly useful.

Landscape_1_72pi.jpeg Landscape_5_72pi.jpeg Landscape_8_72pi.jpeg Landscape_10_72pi.jpeg


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
there were many things I liked about Minnesota, but the weather drove me out....permanently
I adapted, but left because my wife threatened me. 😉Actually because I was retiring, after a life of following me around, she wanted to be closer to her family In Texas. Ironically after her Father passed, and she can’t stand her mother, we see very little of the family. I’m good with that, but still miss Minnesota.🤔


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains


macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2019
It’s so green there, must be up North somewhere. 🤔

Seattle/Tacoma area, Western Washington. Summers in the PNW are amazing. Today, the longest day of the year is 17.3 hours with a forecasted high of 85 degrees F. A bit warmer than normal but it had been cooler than normal.
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Jun 30, 2007
I miss Minnesota

As do I. Heading downwind in a M16 Scow on Lake Minnetonka with the spinnaker full. Hitting a wave, leaving the water and going air born. A Minnesota blizzard is just the mosquitoes laying their eggs for the summer.
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