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macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2013
Not sure if this has always been a thing or just recent, but I just got my first full screen ad on, about 2-3 seconds after scrolling down the homepage.

I hate being all negative and bitching, the site has bills to pay and what not so I get it, but I really feel Full Screen ads are thing of the past, does MacRumors have to do this?

If so, I get it, I'm not going to boycott MacRumors or anything, it's just a minor annoyance, but an annoyance enough to create a thread to see if I'm alone here.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2013
Yes they’re super annoying
Agreed, I mean I understand the logic if it’s an e-commerce site or something and it’s to get a weekly newsletter, new product, monthly sales/deals, etc. It’s annoying but at least it’s somewhat related to what some might want.

But if it’s an AD it’s a different story, I haven’t seen a full screen ad on a website in a long time, and I think it’s because a mass majority are like us, find it annoying and developers/companies have listened… so yea this caught me off guard


macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
For a few weeks last month I wasn't a paying member, so I saw ads. I never saw a full page ad.


macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
For a few weeks last month I wasn't a paying member, so I saw ads. I never saw a full page ad.
When did MR go from $25 to $50 a year for ad-free?

I feel like for $50 / year !!!! I should be getting better content, better forums, better out of of the MR product than just providing an ad-free experience. That's absurd.


macrumors demi-god
Jun 19, 2011
When did MR go from $25 to $50 a year for ad-free?

I feel like for $50 / year !!!! I should be getting better content, better forums, better out of of the MR product than just providing an ad-free experience. That's absurd.
I'm a legacy subscriber, so I pay $25. I've renewed twice at $25 when it was advertised to me as "legacy". So, it's been more than a year at the high price.


macrumors Core
Jan 4, 2002
When did MR go from $25 to $50 a year for ad-free?

I feel like for $50 / year !!!! I should be getting better content, better forums, better out of of the MR product than just providing an ad-free experience. That's absurd.
Back in the day the perk was the private forums. Those don’t seem to be worth it anymore.
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macrumors 65816
May 13, 2012
Six Rivers, CA
Four times in 20 minutes this morning this has taken over my screen:
I have to say it feels punitive. It’s been happening on my iPhone, which how I primarily access MR. I’ll see if it replicates on my iPad.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Four times in 20 minutes this morning this has taken over my screen:
View attachment 2343857
I have to say it feels punitive. It’s been happening on my iPhone, which how I primarily access MR. I’ll see if it replicates on my iPad.
Yup! While I fully support the idea of having advertisements to support MacRumors’ funding, etc., full screen ads like this are a bit annoying to me.
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macrumors 65816
May 13, 2012
Six Rivers, CA
Yup! While I fully support the idea of having advertisements to support MacRumors’ funding, etc., full screen ads like this are a bit annoying to me.
I haven’t encountered this blight when using my iPad so it might be an offending ad taking an advantage of MR and their mobile website. That’s the most charitable reasoning I can conclude but it’s been going on for over a month so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2020
In a moment of relaxing from a bout of bug hunting, I looked over the stats of several web-sites. One that stood out was MR. It will load up to 92 trackers on a single page. That doesn't bother me since I have this site trusted to allow ad support, but the 50 second load time per page does. And I am definitely not on a dialup line, so that huge time segment issue is not on my end.

I was going to capture the list for show, but it scrolled off the bottom of the screen faster than I could move the cursor.

I understand that a free web site has the need to pay the bills, but 90 + trackers per page?


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
This just happened to me a few times today. The ad took over the whole window for a few seconds. The white/orange part would eventually move off screen and could read the article again, but still had the banner ad spanning across the bottom of the window (which I haven't seen before).


macrumors 65816
Oct 28, 2016
SW Florida, US
My power company (FPL) has an ad that opens and defaults to a new tab at random times. Is this expected behavior too? It started doing it a couple weeks ago, and it's really jarring while reading.


Customer Support
Staff member
Dec 25, 2007
Richmond, VA
@TechRunner and @chrono1081, are you two experiencing this on mobile, iPad or on Mac? I'm trying to see if I can recreate it and see which specific ads are the culprit.

Also, does it happen on both the forums and main news site?


macrumors 65816
Oct 28, 2016
SW Florida, US
@TechRunner and @chrono1081, are you two experiencing this on mobile, iPad or on Mac? I'm trying to see if I can recreate it and see which specific ads are the culprit.

Also, does it happen on both the forums and main news site?
On Mac, and it's anywhere I go on the site. Sometimes it's so bad three or four will pop open and default to a new tab in less than a minute. It typically only happens before 6:00AM (I'm an early riser, up by 4:00AM). Thanks for looking into this!

Edit: I use Safari, if that matters.


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
@TechRunner and @chrono1081, are you two experiencing this on mobile, iPad or on Mac? I'm trying to see if I can recreate it and see which specific ads are the culprit.

Also, does it happen on both the forums and main news site?
Mine was on the Mac on the main site. I’m not seeing it anymore though. Next time it happens I’ll be sure to see what ad it is. I just remember it was yellow.


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2021
It's just happened to me for the first time today. Ad went fullscreen and then dropped to a full width bar across the whole page. Every 10 or 20 seconds the bar opened up by itself to take over half the page. EXTREMELY annoying.

Safari, MacBook Pro, in one of the main news article sections on MR. Don't remember the ad exactly, but it was for a commercial AI application.
Register on MacRumors! This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.