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macrumors 68020
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
In my opinion,

The original Dune (the first book) is an epic story. While some of the subsequent books were good stories, none of them ever rose to the epic proportions of the original novel. They were entertaining in a “what happened next” or “what were resulting ramifications” sort of way, but just not as memorable as the initial novel.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
At this point Dune Pt2 is being seen. I read a comment that there is epic action, but not much in the way of characters you can bond with. I have not seen it yet so I can’t comment, but as far as characters, this is who stands out, the characters I think of are:
  • Paul Attredes who is repelled about the possibility that a religious war might happen in his name. The second book is called Dune Messiah.
  • Duncan Idaho, a close friend of Paul’s
    who is killed defending Paul but returns as a Gollem.
  • Gurney Halleck the general of the Attredes forces. Based on what was not shown in Dune 1, based on the book, I assume he will reappear in pt2. Gurney in the book
  • Lady Jessica- Paul’s mother influenial as a Reverend Mother with the Freeman. Drinking the Water if Life, gives her and her unborn daughter powers.
  • Chani- Paul’s Freemen wife who in the book, her status takes a hit for politics. I call her his wife, but don’t remember if there was any kind of ceremony officiating the relationship.
  • Alia Attredes- significant younger sibling of Paul’s.
  • Book Ref Serious spoilers here:
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
Oh... I was about ready to dive into book two... skipping it lol!
You should at least read a summary of what happens in book 2, because a there is a lot of story going on. It's just heavily intersperse with philosophical musing. Trim out all the deep thought stuff and the book would be half as long. Reading book 2 reminded me a lot of reading Tolkien. Tolkien is tough sledding for me to read because he off on linguistic tangents, the meaning of Elvish words or Dwarven words and what not.

If they made a movie version, they'd have a lot of creative license as events isn't described in details like in book 1.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
You should at least read a summary of what happens in book 2, because a there is a lot of story going on. It's just heavily intersperse with philosophical musing. Trim out all the deep thought stuff and the book would be half as long. Reading book 2 reminded me a lot of reading Tolkien. Tolkien is tough sledding for me to read because he off on linguistic tagents, the meaning of Elvish words or Dwarven words and what not.

If they made a movie version, they'd have a lot of creative license as events described in details like in book 1.
I was going to say that skipping a book leaves some big holes to fill in. :)


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
I was going to say that skipping a book leaves some big holes to fill in. :)
The storyline in book 2 is really a transitional; it can't stand on its own as a story. The fact that those events happens at least 12 years after book 1, makes it worthy of one of those "Previously on Dune..." instead of a full blown movie. Just my opinion.

The thing that grinds my gears was that Frank Herbert threw out the main rule he establish in book 1: Bene Gesserit can only access the female ancestral memory/persona. Only Paul should have been able to access both female and male ancestral memories/personas. Alia managed to access the Baron's memory and his persona took over her body. That should never been possible.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
totally cool
Dune Messiah is officially go

Villeneuve first told EW in 2021 that his goal all along was to make three Dune movies. Dune: Part Two completed the adaptation of Frank Herbert’s original 1965 sci-fi novel, but Herbert wrote five sequels before his death in 1986 (his son Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have since added to the franchise with many additional books). The first of Herbert's sequels, 1969’s Dune Messiah, is what Villeneuve wants to adapt for his third movie in this series.

"I always envisioned three movies," Villeneuve told EW then. "It's not that I want to do a franchise, but this is Dune, and Dune is a huge story. In order to honor it, I think you would need at least three movies. That would be the dream. To follow Paul Atreides and his full arc would be nice."

Denis V will do RENDEZVOUZ WITH RAMA before Dune 3
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
In my opinion,

The original Dune (the first book) is an epic story. While some of the subsequent books were good stories, none of them ever rose to the epic proportions of the original novel. They were entertaining in a “what happened next” or “what were resulting ramifications” sort of way, but just not as memorable as the initial novel.
In my opinion Heretics was another epic and probably close second to the first book as a standout. It's also the first one in a new trilogy set long after the events of Dune. It's gimped somewhat by the untimely death of FH who wasn't able to finish this second Dune-trilogy though. So we never got the full arc for all the new factions and characters nor a proper ending to the series sadly.

Love how FH did not simply stick within the confines of his initial creation nor franchised every aspect of it. He almost aggressively kept evolving his universe. As a result it's not quite 100% consistent but also never predictable.

As for the recently released second movie - nice visuals, nice mood. Upon reflection not a great adaption though - doesn't seem all that interested in diving into the Duniverse. Strange priorities in regards to the story, time spent on Zendaya could have been used better IMO.

I prefer Villeneuve's first Dune movie by quite a lot.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
Dune Part 3 Messiah in the making. Can Villeneuve deliver again? It's going to be a tough ask. I'm not complaining about Part 1 and Part 2 - they were good.

With the changes and omissions so far
- (orange-catholic-) bible thumper alert ;) -
it should be pretty hard for them to get anywhere close to the story of book 3 since they are missing quite a few pieces. They'll probably have to go and do something rather different from that. Might be a good thing too.
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Apr 23, 2010
Saw that Part 2 is for rent $25 and to buy $30, I can wait. :)

I got parts 1 and 2 to buy for $35 from iTunes. Since I saw 1 on streaming for no extra cost, I kind of got obligated to see part 2 and didn't want to wait for a freebee.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I watched it a couple of weeks ago. Now I need to read the book to figure out what was going on :p
The book does help. For anyone who has read the book recently or remembers, I don’t remember a show down with the Emperor in this book. Thought that happened n the next book, but maybe this is a prep for the next movie?
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