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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
1. I think the CEO has done an excellent job of making AAPL a highly valuable company for himself and shareholders. As an investor, you can’t get much better.
2. I love the products. Apple makes excellent products, and gives users what they ask for. For the long term value of AAPL, I prefer to produce more innovation. Every Apple product I have bought except the latest iPad mini has exceeded my expectations.
3. I think they are a gigantic company that has too much power and abuses it. I think they have created standards in certain parts of the ecosystem, and I believe those parts would be better use to allow licensing to FRAND access to things like iMessage. I don’t think Beeper should be able to steal the Apple tech, but I think all device manufacturers should be able to use the iMessage technology as a standard and pay AAPL a licensing under FRAND licensing as a standard within the USA.
4. And on and what on?

A person can love Apple products and disagree with how it markets itself and how it does business. You don’t know me and you make a lot of assumptions that aren’t even close to true. I believe Apple has created a new standard for messaging, and I believe it should be licensed the same way Apple Pay’s for licensing via FRAND licenses to tech once owned exclusively to sell cell phone manufacturers but now considered a standard as it’s in the best interest for all to have access to it.

I am not against competition, I am for it. I believe companies have been allowed to get to absurd sizes that benefit very few people. As someone who runs an investment company, I think the wealthiest 1% make far too much money and that companies should be held accountable to their employees and society at the same rate as their shareholders. There has to be a better solution if we will allow mega corporations to dominate and destroy competition.
I'm going to start with "you don't know me". Of course, this is an anonymous internet board and all I know are posts that I read and respond to the posts.

I think Apple, as long as it's products are inherently safe, and as long as it's business practices are in compliance with existing regulations, should be allowed to have it's closed ecosystem. Apple got to where it was by producing products and services that people want to buy it got there by being popular. Ask Blackberry if it needed to be popular. And if somehow Apple didn't fit into my framework there are hundreds of other cell phone companies that I could buy from. Contrast that to a energy companies who basically holds us hostage.

As far as the 1%, there are 1% in every corner of the globe. That these 1% are too powerful is another conversation for another day, but if you believe the 1% destroy competition the let's start regulating the areas where it's not possible to complete.

Let's start with cell phone companies. It's a virtually closed system because the resource you needed is regulated and sold off by the government, also cable franchises are regulated by local government. There are other examples, but there is a balance between innovation and "destroying competition". Of course, you and I probably won't agree on what that balance is and how much regulation needs to be put on the books.


Oct 21, 2009
I feel like that’s the outcome they wanted out of this.

Now where’s the anticompetitive argument at with Warner bros?
Agreed. And if we put 1% of the effort to tackle ISP monopolistic practices that are actually harmful that would be great. I shouldn’t need to move to get something other than Spectrum that goes down every week for hours.


Oct 21, 2009
What are you talking about? Why does this total lack of logic come from?
I as a Apple user want to be able to securely and safely communicate with anyone I want and Apple are blocking me from doing this. This has nothing to do with Android and everything to do with real Apple users that live in the eco system.
WhatsApp and Telegram offer you that capability.


macrumors 68010
Jul 24, 2004
No, they were not split up.
Two thirds of what one reads on the internet is just nonsense bull poop. It’s a giant campfire game in which a rumor or report gets passed from one ear to the next and by the time it gets back to the start it has nothing to do with the original. It’s how the internet works these days.


macrumors 68010
Jul 24, 2004
WhatsApp and Telegram offer you that capability.
You are right of course but the haters want to bend Apple to their will. No, they MUST have Apple’s Messages app modified and opened up. Nothing else will do. Pffft on third party apps that do the job.


May 21, 2014
WhatsApp and Telegram offer you that capability.

Does the average person know that? Is that to be expected that standard cryptography is not supported because Apple does not like other companies? Again, expert bias. You are not thinking broad enough.

Imagine Safari required specific Apple SSL certificate for websites to be secured. Let's see you get disappointed when your credit card information is send in plain text.


Oct 21, 2009
Does the average person know that? Is that to be expected that standard cryptography is not supported because Apple does not like other companies? Again, expert bias. You are not thinking broad enough.

Imagine Safari required specific Apple SSL certificate for websites to be secured. Let's see you get disappointed when your credit card information is send in plain text.
Yes? I have had more standard people tell me they only use WhatsApp and telegram. I’m one of those that would just prefer one and only one platform. But since we have to be “open” I have multiple chat programs on my phone for multiple people.


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
If you want an open standard, buy Android. I think you did. So while the nanny likes to regulate everything, regulation isn't always in the best of interests of consumers and that applies to the EU and the US.
You would not have RCS and USB C without regulation both of which benefited competition and consumer interests.

Apple and Google should also allow third party payment processing on their OS, thanks to regulation.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2012
Okay everybody, it’s clear the two sides in this discussion are not going to change the other’s mind. Maybe we should just leave it here and stop repeating posts that have been made several pages back.


macrumors 68010
Jul 24, 2004
You would not have RCS and USB C without regulation both of which benefited competition and consumer interests.

Apple and Google should also allow third party payment processing on their OS, thanks to regulation.
You just don’t get it do you. USB-C and RCS have nothing to do with competition. In fact these rulings skew in favor of Apple’s competitors in the the to reduce Apple’s ecosystem to just another Android OEM. If anything Apple’s ecosystem was the first to exist in the mobile device universe and other just copied it. Now they want Apple to be just like them tin no defining differences. It will be a boring world when everything must look and operate the same.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You would not have RCS and USB C without regulation both of which benefited competition and consumer interests.

Apple and Google should also allow third party payment processing on their OS, thanks to regulation.
I already have interoperability; it’s called sms. And I’m waiting for my usb-c benefits. I got them - more money for apple in terms of cables and chargers. /s


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2020
It’s over...

Geeze the requirements for this to work :oops:, just use an iPhone. As someone stated on here, if you want an open system buy an android, we all have that choice, but personally I like the Apple walled garden. I equate this whole fiasco to having a BJ's membership and demanding that Costco let you shop in their stores 🤷‍♂️
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macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2014
What are you talking about? Why does this total lack of logic come from?
I as an Apple user want to be able to securely and safely communicate with anyone I want and Apple are blocking me from doing this. This has nothing to do with Android and everything to do with real Apple users that live in the eco system.
Then license it. No reason Apple should have to give it away.


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2020
Then license it. No reason Apple should have to give it away.
IF they want to. I make something, just because you like it doesn't mean I HAVE to give it to you (or even license it to you)- it's mine. Its all a moot point anyway, there are plenty of third party apps that fill the space of allowing Apple and Android to communicate.


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
You just don’t get it do you. USB-C and RCS have nothing to do with competition. In fact these rulings skew in favor of Apple’s competitors in the the to reduce Apple’s ecosystem to just another Android OEM. If anything Apple’s ecosystem was the first to exist in the mobile device universe and other just copied it. Now they want Apple to be just like them tin no defining differences. It will be a boring world when everything must look and operate the same.
The first iPhone was essentially a copy of WebOS before it. It was hardly the first.

Apple is abusing their position on iMessage by making it difficult for iOS and Android users to chat which is why regulation is needed to enable competition to thrive.

In the US, if left to themselves Apple has the ability to outright block all communications from Android if they wanted to given their market share


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2020
...In the US, if left to themselves Apple has the ability to outright block all communications from Android if they wanted to given their market share

How is this possible without blocking third party apps? FB Messenger, Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. all work on both systems and allows agnostic communications between devices; what is the hang-up with iMessage where it has become the be-all end-all for android


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
So you're suggesting that the Biden administration be voted out of office? In favor of what, exactly, the orange nazi ? You actually prefer a would-be dictator ? That's stunning to me.
Personally I wish we had different choices on both sides, but I guess we are stuck with 80+ year old men who both lack the physical and mental stamina needed to properly do a very difficult job. Why we have an obsession in our country right now of only electing people everyone says they don't want I haven't a clue. Watch either one and age is becoming a serious issue. I don't understand why they don't realize it's time to step aside and let someone younger take on the job. Well I know why one won't, but he's completely unreasonable.

Most people have long been retired by 80 and just enjoying their last few years taking it easy and doing things they enjoy. Why we are putting guys that age into one of the most stressful and demanding jobs in the world I don't understand it at all. Personally I think there should be a law that says you must be sworn into your first term by age 70. There is no reason someone should be in the office of President past age 78.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
The first iPhone was essentially a copy of WebOS before it. It was hardly the first.

Apple is abusing their position on iMessage by making it difficult for iOS and Android users to chat which is why regulation is needed to enable competition to thrive.

In the US, if left to themselves Apple has the ability to outright block all communications from Android if they wanted to given their market share
False. There is SMS. And there are sms apps on the App Store.


macrumors 6502
Apr 29, 2010

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are intensifying their investigations into Apple's alleged anti-competitive practices following the recent blocking of the iMessage for Android app Beeper Mini, the New York Times reports.


Following calls from a bipartisan group of senators for a DOJ investigation into the matter, Beeper founder Eric Migicovsky reportedly met with DOJ antitrust lawyers on Tuesday, December 12. The DOJ is currently embroiled in a four-year-long investigation into Apple's alleged anticompetitive conduct.

The New York Times also suggested that the FTC is involved, pointing to a blog post published yesterday by the commission warning that it will evaluate "privacy and security" justifications for refusing to interoperate with other companies' technology:

Beeper launched Beeper Mini earlier this month, aiming to bridge the gap between Android and iMessage. Apple quickly moved to shut down the app, citing security concerns and unauthorized access to its iMessage servers.

Despite multiple attempts by Beeper to circumvent Apple's restrictions, the company has now effectively admitted defeat, touting jailbroken iPhones as the final solution to keep the service up and running amid an acknowledgement of the unsustainable nature of its efforts. While Apple has consistently defended its actions as necessary for maintaining user security and the integrity of its services, increased attention from two major regulatory bodies indicates the seriousness of ongoing antitrust allegations against the company.

Article Link: Department of Justice and FTC Looking Into Beeper iMessage Controversy
Total garbage. beeper has no inherent right to ride on Apple’s servers.
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May 21, 2014
Yes? I have had more standard people tell me they only use WhatsApp and telegram. I’m one of those that would just prefer one and only one platform. But since we have to be “open” I have multiple chat programs on my phone for multiple people.

Does encrypted standard SMS hurt you? In any way shape or form? If the answer is no, the problem is within you I'm afraid ❤️
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