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macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
Aside from being a massive security risk, this so-called Artificial Intelligence is nothing more than a disguised coup to manipulate public opinion, censor free thought by eliminating what they consider to be opposed to their desired schematic and also ultimately to insidiously monitor everybody's activity. Of course they will profess otherwise and efforts will be seen to create privacy, but as we see in these initial stages, first with Microsoft and now others including this, their prime intentions are not security based, our privacy is not something that they give a fig for. Otherwise, how could Microsoft even dream of putting into public space such a massive data collection facility as was their Copilot v1.0?

The tin had is strong with this one.

(Yes I know this is lasting about 4 minutes before the Weaselboy deletes it)


macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
a broad variety of viewpoints and all discussion and debate should be held in the open for all to see.

No it shouldn't be "view points" it should be facts and truth. Undeniable evidence and science. Not opinions, hearsay and what some loon thinks.
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macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2019
You just proved my point; they argued it wasn't based.

For models which are known to be biased (all of them), as AI becomes increasingly powerful, arguably have the potential to perform serious destruction. This is why AI should be overseen by regulatory bodies with a broad variety of viewpoints and all discussion and debate should be held in the open for all to see. An additional possibility should be for the user to choose how they would like to receive their response, so they would know themselves they are the ones using their own biases right in the settings of the app, and they could switch between different models of bias.
No. Every viewpoint is not worth representing. Effort should be put into making sure what is represented is factual and true. We don't need LLM to express the viewpoint that the world is flat. Free speech allows for a variety of viewpoints, LLMs should strive to represent factual information and avoid perpetuating demonstrably false claims.

Luna Murasaki

macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2020
Purple Hell
Am I the only one confused by this? Almost nothing aside from passwords is stored encrypted on your device, and pretty much any application can view any file on your device. If you don't trust the program not to steal data, then you shouldn't be running it at all.

Then there's this weird idea that chats with ChatGPT need to be private? They're literally all being stored on MS servers so they can further train their AI models.
Unless you're specifically turning off FileVault, it's on, since it's on by default.

I'm not fan of openAI, and want nothing do with their products (or anything with con-artist Sam Altman), but I don't see a problem with this. It's on device...none of my office apps are encrypted beyond my Mac's encryption. My photos aren't, etc.

Why the big fuss?

I agree. I do have my discomforts around generative AI. They steal people’s work. I was always told I should be ashamed of myself for having anything at all to do with 40-year-old ROM files because I didn’t have the author’s permission to use their content that way. Now that remains an evil, rotten thing to do while it’s okay for OpenAI to steal the contents of my unpublished novels and make money with them?

That said, I think a lot of what’s going on at this point is plain paranoia. So they store your conversations in plain text? Good. That means I can back them up if I want and move them to a new computer. Firestorm Viewer for Second Life also stores all my conversation logs in plain text. I’ve known this for years because I choose the log file location in iCloud so I can sync it between computers, and because I regularly open up the log files in TextEdit to check if I remember things correctly. I haven’t seen it as any kind of huge, alarming scandal that it works this way. And if you know about Second Life, you know those conversations can be a hell of a lot more private than anything one would ask of ChatGPT.

There’s been talk of the threat of bias with generative AI chatbots in this thread. Sure. But how is that any different or more serious than the threat of bias with search engine results - an issue nobody pays attention to anymore?

Can generative AI be used to generate child porn or falsely show politicians doing things to spread misinformation? Sure. So can photoshop, audio/video editing tools, or even just finding the right image or camera footage and applying false context to it, that have been actively used to spread lies for decades. As with AI, anyone can do these things, but it takes skill to make it convincing and hold up to scrutiny.

Can generative AI teach you how to make bombs or otherwise tell you dangerous information? Can it cause you to die in horrible ways with factually inaccurate health information? Absolutely. So can human-written pages you find with a search engine. This is not a new problem with the Internet.

Generative AI has all these ridiculous safeguards in place around politicians and sex to try and placate all the fear-mongering about it. I can’t even look up info on the upcoming election here in the USA. I don’t have such safeguards preventing me from doing whatever I want with Affinity Photo. I don’t have such safeguards to stop me from writing whatever I want into Microsoft Word. My guess is once this technology stops being new, Generative AI safeguards will go away and people will look back at them in the same way we look back at laws banning Rock & Roll.
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macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2019
While I understand the need for encryption, this is not a place where i would care if the files are encrypted on my device. I don't care if the documents I create in Microsoft office are encrypted by Microsoft office. My OS already encrypts the files on my system. My on-device chat logs with an LLM not being encrypted is not sensitive information.

I currently run local LLMs, and all texts are in plain txt files that I can export out. The problem would be if the files on their server were not encrypted.


Jul 13, 2010
No it shouldn't be "view points" it should be facts and truth. Undeniable evidence and science. Not opinions, hearsay and what some loon thinks.
AI like ChatGPT is modeled after what some loons think. It is clearly biased and the people building it influence that bias heavily.
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Jul 13, 2010
No. Every viewpoint is not worth representing. Effort should be put into making sure what is represented is factual and true. We don't need LLM to express the viewpoint that the world is flat. Free speech allows for a variety of viewpoints, LLMs should strive to represent factual information and avoid perpetuating demonstrably false claims.
Unfortunately, AI is nowhere near only providing what is factual and true. It is heavily biased based on its creators opinions on many, many topics. Google Gemini couldn't even portray history correctly due to bias.


Sep 25, 2018
The public is being conditioned to view and use AI LLM’s as the new way to search, regardless of the fact that LLMs don’t “know” anything.

In a few years time when most “reporting” is just AI, you’ve fundamentally altered the public at large’s perception of reality.

No one is claiming your bbq recipe is nefarious, no need to be obtuse.
Aka “brainwashed”
That’s exactly what Wall Street and the big consulting firms are doing for businesses, also called “job security”
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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
OpenAI has issued an update to its ChatGPT app for Mac, after a developer discovered the app was locally storing users' conversations with the chatbot in plain text.
AI just making the world so much better, haha. Just a day earlier you had this also. Companies just lack smarts to realize AI can cause unforeseen problems faster than any other tech gimmick. :eek:
Figma CEO Dylan Field says the company will temporarily disable its “Make Design” AI feature that was said to be ripping off the designs of Apple’s own Weather app.

Figma’s new tool Make Designs lets users quickly mock up apps using generative AI. Now, it’s been pulled after the tool drafted designs that looked strikingly similar to Apple’s iOS weather app. Figma CEO Dylan Field posted a thread on X early Tuesday morning detailing the removal, putting the blame on himself for pushing the team to meet a deadline, and defending the company’s approach to developing its AI tools.

the fact that it's straight copying Apple's components without even attempting to rearrange elements or information in any meaningful way is pretty alarming.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2008
So if the app would have been published to the App Store, it would have followed Apple’s security policies and this risk to the end user would have been prevented.

EU: “But that’s just not fair. iPhone must be as vulnerable as computers in the name of fairness! Boo hoo wah!”
All the Americans bashing the EU for caring about customers and providing choice are somehow strange. Aren't you guys all for freedom? LOL!


macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
AI like ChatGPT is modeled after what some loons think. It is clearly biased and the people building it influence that bias heavily.

Unfortunately it is - but it will always repeat what it's learnt the most. Which is why for instance it can learn thousands and thousands of coding examples and the ones that are right will outweigh the ones that are wrong and that's how it gets it right (more times than not).

It's fed every scientific paper ever created so it's going to come out with facts over absolute nonsense, so it's already more useful than 50% of the people on the internet.


macrumors newbie
Jun 4, 2024
Awesome... aweomse... good... great... so glad a security focused company like Open AI is getting OS-level integration in iOS 18... this is going to go so well.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2020
honestly who cares - you know how many secrets the average developer has in plain text on their machine? sure sure, I shouldn't, and I try not to, but..


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2019
Not the point. Many people naively assume AI like ChatGPT is not biased.
Nobody thinks that. Everyone is biased to some degree and the things we create are informed by those biases hopefully in a direction that is positive and well informed.
AI like ChatGPT is modeled after what some loons think. It is clearly biased and the people building it influence that bias heavily.
That is not how that works. Yes, people building it influence what ultimately gets released to the public, but LLMS are trained on petabytes of data from crawling websites, Wikipedia, books, code data sets, QA with factual information and multimodal models include audio and videos. All those sources of information inform the LLMs bias. The more information you have that leans a certain way the more the bias leans that way. But ultimately you don't want a commercial LLM that is racist and provides sexually explicit and graphic as well as harmful information, so safeguards are put in place to prevent the models from providing those types of information.
Unfortunately, AI is nowhere near only providing what is factual and true. It is heavily biased based on its creators opinions on many, many topics. Google Gemini couldn't even portray history correctly due to bias.
It is not heavily biased by its creators' opinions that is impossible. They can fine tune it not to provide sexually explicit information, information that is dangerous, racist/prejudicial. Much of the data used are very western centric so again effort is put to making sure that data used represents various geographical regions.

One of the things I enjoy about running smaller models locally is that they can be easily finetuned to remove some of the security measures used to filter its response, but their biases picked up from training data still remains.

Victor Mortimer

macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2016
Why is this a problem?

Seriously, somebody want to explain it to me? Plain text locally on my computer seems like the RIGHT way to store data. If you want it encrypted, turn on FileVault.

Breaking news: Pages doesn't encrypt your word processing documents. TextEdit doesn't encrypt your quick notes. Numbers doesn't encrypt your spreadsheets. Messages doesn't encrypt the local copy of your conversations.

What a silly article.


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2019
Why is this a problem?

Seriously, somebody want to explain it to me? Plain text locally on my computer seems like the RIGHT way to store data. If you want it encrypted, turn on FileVault.

Breaking news: Pages doesn't encrypt your word processing documents. TextEdit doesn't encrypt your quick notes. Numbers doesn't encrypt your spreadsheets. Messages doesn't encrypt the local copy of your conversations.

What a silly article.
Fear mongering is what it is.


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2023
United States
That's some hyperbole if I ever heard it:

All the EU is doing is giving consumers full control of their iPhones and iPads allowing them to install apps from outside its App Stores without having to jailbreak their iPhones and void warranty, etc.

EU consumers and developers who want to stick with the convenience and safety of Apple's App Stores can do so under the same terms and with the same safety as before the DMA kicks in.

It's just more options.

But from what I gather, it's easier for Americans to act all obtuse about the DMA instead of actually comprehending what it's going to do.

When you own a house or a car, you have the right to do anything you want to it, let anyone repair it, install anything you like. It's your proporty, you have the freedom to destroy it, sell it, fix it, paint it green, whatever.

The company that built the house or the car for you cannot dictate how you can repair it, who can repair it, if third parties have to pay them fees for fixing your proporty. You are free to do it yourself or hire any other party.

It's your iPhone, you should have those same freedoms for it.

And all the shenanigans OpenAI throws at its users with most certainty shouldn't dictate the future of iOS or MacOS.

Arguing for trapping everyone inside sandboxed platforms with huge, expensive guardrails because a few people want to make some terrible decisions with their Macs, iPhones, and iPads is a very ignorant take.
Yes, but still have to secure local building permits when modifying the structure, build according to code so you don't burn down your neighbor's house, etc. It's not the Wild West. Your car still has to pass inspections to be allowed on the road.
All the Americans bashing the EU for caring about customers and providing choice are somehow strange. Aren't you guys all for freedom? LOL!

We are for freedom, especially freedom from government overreach. When we buy Apple products, and pay for Apple services, and develop for Apple platforms, we expect to play on Apple’s terms. If we don’t like that, Android caters to that mindset.

We don’t understand and do not support Big Government forcing companies to support their competitors. That’s the opposite of free market capitalism that is the foundation for the American way of life. Consumer driven demand determines if there is an apetite for consumer choice, and Android fills that role without needing to force Apple’s hand.

America hates the EU concept that Government knows what’s best for you, and Government will protect you by force.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2024
No it shouldn't be "view points" it should be facts and truth. Undeniable evidence and science. Not opinions, hearsay and what some loon thinks.

Ignoring the human emotional side is just denying reality. Emotions factor into all decisions and discussions, whether you want to admit it or not. There are no exceptions...not a single one.

We are not computers and treating discussions like we are is a recipe for failure.


macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
🤣😂🤣 good ol Microsoft, but many companies have been caught storing sensitive data as plain text no doubt to save money. Only issue I have is no one seems to go to prison or get fined massively for it, even when hackers steal it all and sell it on or leak it on the internet.
speaking of good ol MS note their boss feels like AI can use anything on the web without limits.

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