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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2011
On my 2019 Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.5, when I run Bootcamp Assistant it goes directly to Install Windows and asks for a Windows 10 iso file. It completely skips the window with the checkboxes to install "Windows 10 or later" versions. Is there a way I can make this window appear?


macrumors 6502
Nov 28, 2018
Alpine , CA
If you have one of these Intel-based Mac models using OS X El Capitan or later, you don't need a USB flash drive to install Windows:

MacBook (all models)

MacBook Air introduced in 2017 or later3

MacBook Pro introduced in 2015 or later3

iMac introduced in 2015 or later

iMac Pro (all models)

Mac Pro introduced in late 2013 or later

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