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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2022
I can’t ID this bird on my Seek app… anyone know what it is? App says “Rails, crakes, gallinules, and coots…” which is much closer than when it says “perching birds” or even “birds” sometimes… 🤗

Anyway, cool photo, thanks for posting!


macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2019
I can’t ID this bird on my Seek app… anyone know what it is? App says “Rails, crakes, gallinules, and coots…” which is much closer than when it says “perching birds” or even “birds” sometimes… 🤗

Anyway, cool photo, thanks for posting!

Looks more like a Grebe, Horned Grebe or maybe Pied Billed Grebe than a young coot to me but I'm no expert. The beak does seem to extend higher up the face like a coot though.

Horned_Grebe_1415_1000p.jpg Pied_billed_grebe_9936_1000p.jpg
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macrumors 65816
Dec 13, 2022
New York City
2024-07-07 ~ _R5_1148.jpg

The raptor from Photo of the Day caught his prey; a compatriot to the victim kept squawking and bombing him, trying to scare him off.

I watched for awhile and the smaller bird gave up, and then raptor tucked into to his dinner. Every now and then he'd check on me, but then back to a tug and another morsel, with feathers drifting down from the branch.

One frame caught the raptor getting the prey's eye, and then eating it. Dramatic but a little NSFW or (ironically) NSFlunch.

Today I stopped back at the scene of the crime; nothing on the ground below but some telltale feathers. I imagine the raptor took the carcass remains somewhere else to finish the job.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2022
View attachment 2395514

The raptor from Photo of the Day caught his prey; a compatriot to the victim kept squawking and bombing him, trying to scare him off.

I watched for awhile and the smaller bird gave up, and then raptor tucked into to his dinner. Every now and then he'd check on me, but then back to a tug and another morsel, with feathers drifting down from the branch.

One frame caught the raptor getting the prey's eye, and then eating it. Dramatic but a little NSFW or (ironically) NSFlunch.

Today I stopped back at the scene of the crime; nothing on the ground below but some telltale feathers. I imagine the raptor took the carcass remains somewhere else to finish the job.
Wow! Beautiful feathers on the raptor. I wonder what kind it is… sad for the other bird, RIP! Thanks for sharing these amazing pics.
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