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macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
They'd come crawling back to Apple faster than Apple would to them. Especially if Apple works with Microsoft and Google to do the same.

Pretty sure both Google and Microsoft would be lapping up the market opportunity to serve customers in the EU without Apple. But you could be right and rivals will take a patriotic stand and give up a huge consumer market of more than 500m people to try and drive the EU to do whatever US megacorps want.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
I know it won't happen because, most likely, it does not make business sense for Apple to do so.

But I really really hope and pray that Apple simply says "ENOUGH!!"

And they pull the iPhone OUT of the EU countries, ....seriously !!

What will the EU, and users in the EU, do ??

Sue Apple, because they HAVE TO be forced to sell the iPhone in the EU ?

Will EU users be forced to "choose" Android phones ?? ...a choice they've always had, to this very moment.
Talk about inflicting some real inconvenience on those EU users,
if Apple said go eff yourselves, and buy Android !!!

And of course, the black market for iPhones would be huge BUT at least Apple can manufacture the iPhone they deem, with the software and functionality they deem, and the EU users would again have the choice they have always had;

Dozens of different manufacturers using Android, or Black market iPhone, but with an iPhone as it was intended, to be manufactured and delivered by Apple
Fantasy world! Apple will stay as long as there's profit to be made.

What would the shareholders say?
Apple is falling back at the moment in China. If they were also to voluntarily give up the EU, they'd be retreating to being essentially a US only brand.

There are plenty of US brands Europeans don't have - we survive....
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macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2022
At what point EU will stop this stupid cat and mouse game with Apple and just introduces a special Apple tax? Wouldn't that be simpler and save some taxpayers money? :D


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2022
Fantasy world! Apple will stay as long as there's profit to be made.

What would the shareholders say?
Apple is falling back at the moment in China. If they were also to voluntarily give up the EU, they'd be retreating to being essentially a US only brand.
of course they will stay. Apple is a corporation, even thought they try to present some values. But they will stay as long as there is profit, even if it means ruining a product. Apple is not Elon Musk, they will not show their principles :)
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2008
Prague, CZ
Apple has never been fond of PWAs, as evidenced by the way they have implemented new features. Yes, a lot of people don't even know what PWAs are, but if their installation was in a more visible place rather than buried somewhere in the share menu, people would use them more. Also, developers would be more inclined to invest time in debugging PWA features (webpush, offline access).

So for me, it's definitely good that the whole issue is being actively addressed.
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cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Microsoft and Google stand to benefit from a more open iOS. Why would they join Apple in backing out of a huge and lucrative market in an attempt to prevent something they want to see happen?
Because they're doing the same dumb BS to them as well.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017
This is what I don't understand. So why do you keep buying iPhones? It's no secret how iPhones work. And if someone wants side-loading, etc... then buy Android.

If what Apple did was so bad, then people would stop buying them and developers would stop making apps. You yourself say no one cares about blue bubbles and a Samsung or Pixel is fine. That's the real way to make Apple change - stop using them.

The DMA isn't about what's best for consumers. It's the EU hating on US companies, and trying to favor a few EU companies like Spotify.
We buy them because we like the look of them, nice UI and physical store support, etc etc.

No one buys them for iMessage, if Apple pulled out of the EU then people will have to move on with Samsung or Pixel and it'll be Apple losing out on a LOT of money.

I didn't see many crying when China made demands and Tim bent over.

You and a few others on here are making this a USA v EU thing, it's a greedy corporation LMFAO, they only care about $$$$ not a flag.

Apple is not the US government 🤣
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2022
Think again?

How can it be that a company (Apple) dictates rules under which certain products may be sold (in their Appstore)?

Well, you may find out that there is no difference. Apple says „play by my rules or get out“ and so does the EU.
What? My post you reacted to is in agreement with what you say. Why should I think again? Why arguing over something we have same opinion on.

I said exactly that - why would be weird for EU to dictate its own rules? (when Apple does exactly that)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017
At what point EU will stop this stupid cat and mouse game with Apple and just introduces a special Apple tax? Wouldn't that be simpler and save some taxpayers money? :D
Maybe you should read other news sites because everyone else is following the rules except Apple, the EU and China have rules and if they don't follow them, goodbye.

Maybe if Apple wasn't so Microsoft 1990s these days, these articles wouldn't even appear.


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2008
What? My post you reacted to is in agreement with what you say. Why should I think again? Why arguing over something we have same opinion on.

I said exactly that - why would be weird for EU to dictate its own rules? (when Apple does exactly that)
Sorry for the misunderstanding from my side.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
We buy them because we like the look of them, nice UI and physical store support, etc etc.

No one buys them for iMessage, if Apple pulled out of the EU then people will have to move on with Samsung or Pixel and it'll be Apple losing out on a LOT of money.

I didn't see many crying when China made demands and Tim bent over.

You and a few others on here are making this a USA v EU thing, it's a greedy corporation LMFAO, they only care about $$$$ not a flag.

Apple is not the US government 🤣
If apple pulled out the eu it will be the eu citizenry that will be lost. Just like in some locales in the US major companies are pulling out due to other reasons. It’s the community that will feel the loss.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2008
Please then, explain what they missed since 2013. Because when I look at apple vs Samsung for example, a company in the bleeding edge, I would pick their tvs over the competition and that’s it.
Yes you may look at it from a different angle, which absolutely ok for me.

But I explained all of this already:
It missed:
- The cloud (in comparison to MS, AWS, Google)
- IoT
- Car OS (Android or AOSP is the dominant Car OS for HMI right now) while Apple is not present on this market
- Container technology
- AI (and now it is struggling to catch up cause Apple will vanish from this planet if it doesn't)
- Digging deeper it broke with Nvidia completely (dominating AI hardware company right now)
- ...

Just to name a few key technologies.

But further more, Apple turned into its evil twin. No one wants to cooperate with Apple since it is a pain in the a** (And everyone who developed something for MFI knows what I'm talking about).

But discussing is hard with you since ...

If apple pulled out the eu it will be the eu citizenry that will be lost. Just like in some locales in the US major companies are pulling out due to other reasons. It’s the community that will feel the loss.

I guess you know that Apple cannot pull out of the EU, otherwise Apple will loose lots of money and will be sued for tons of money by its sharedholders (the owners of Apple).

but you keep arguing about this nonsense ...


Oct 21, 2009
so basically apple is too incompetent/lazy/greedy to program a secure alternative
People don’t know this already? I fully expect iOS to get massively worse or even lead to its death if it fully opens up. Apple can’t even code macOS properly on just a handful of Mac configurations. And this is someone with 5 Apple Silicon Mac’s. Including two M2 Ultras.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017
If apple pulled out the eu it will be the eu citizenry that will be lost. Just like in some locales in the US major companies are pulling out due to other reasons. It’s the community that will feel the loss.
You do know we have millions of Android users in Europe right?

They don't get bullied and don't use iMessage.

They use whatever they prefer or like, they use WhatsApp/messenger/telegram/LINE, not what some doofus in high school says is "cool" or some Apple marketing on social media about "broke boys"

We won't be "lost" 😂


Jul 14, 2022
If apple pulled out the eu it will be the eu citizenry that will be lost. Just like in some locales in the US major companies are pulling out due to other reasons. It’s the community that will feel the loss.
I think you're overestimating the importance of Apple in the EU...

It will hit Apple in revenue much more than EU's citizenry for sure.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2022
Maybe you should read other news sites because everyone else is following the rules except Apple, the EU and China have rules and if they don't follow them, goodbye.
you mean the same rules other corporations are following i.e. having tax shell corp sandwiches in Netherlands and funneling cash trough Ireland? Somehow only selected few are fined, but not others, and tax laws are not changed. I see all these things as one sided attack form EU. And I'm not apple apologist, I don't care what they do, but as I said, seems way too much one sided.


Jul 14, 2022
In fairness, Apple has it's HQ in Ireland, and it's a significant employer in Cork, but also with remote jobs around the country. It has about 6,000 employees in total. A mate of mine works for them.
That's good and all. But still avoiding paying taxes creating massive tax evasion in the EU does not balance that out. At least not for the rest of the EU.

Glad that people around Cork got job though.


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
That's good and all. But still avoiding paying taxes creating massive tax evasion in the EU does not balance that out. At least not for the rest of the EU.

Glad that people around Cork got job though.
Oh, I know. But the fact remains that Ireland would suffer more than other EU states. That's not moralistic, just factual.
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