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macrumors 65816
Sep 24, 2014
This coming Valentines Day, I think we all deserved to be loved as much as the UK government loves surveilling its own citizens. 🥹❤️

I’d say a bunch of people - that form the immaterial entity called government, corporation etc etc - that love to spy on other people. It’s people against people no matter how abstract it is.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
Democracy in and of itself is not the issue.... it's party politics that's the issue. The major parties - be that in the UK, US, AU - are almost always full of people who have no life experience. They get elected, and follow the party lines, decided as you say by people who don't know or understand, and who wont listen to the experts that tell them exactly what they ask them to investigate and report on...

Remove the party from politics and you have a better chance... but a wild parliament.
You are right on much of what you write and I agree with you.

That said, I think the EU suffers from many of the same issues because the fundamental nature of politics is that people tend to vote based on emotion and singular issues, which promotes less intelligent and qualified candidates who end up being the decision makers.
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macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
When terrorists, child grooming gangs, people smugglers, people traffickers and drug suppliers/dealers are able to use electronic devices with impunity due to electronic device manufacturers designing strong hardware and software encryption and security into their devices then governments will act to stop that impunity.

For generations the UK has suffered numerous terrorists acts by the IRA and still do to this day as well as terrorists acts by other groups and thus the UK government will do what is necessary to protect it's citizens. Apple and other manufacturers think they are doing everyone a favor by beefing up security in their devices but when that security is used to help cause death and destruction, governments and security services/authorities will act whether we like it or not.

You’ve cracked the code! If only we have total surveillance and control of all citizens, that will stop all crime forever! Why hasn’t anyone tried this before?!

Seriously though. It’s not like this technology will just go away. The government will not give up secure encryption for themselves. There are millions of people in the world educated enough about it to create it from scratch. Totalitarian governments just create different kinds of terrorists.

It’s interesting you mention the IRA specifically. What was their original beef, again? Overreach and abuse of power by the UK government? Nothing justifies terrorism, but surely you see the irony in that.


macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
Anyone who believes that the EU, in fact any of the Five Eyes, is somehow detached from these UK plans needs to research Chat Control to get a free taster of the EU's particular flavour of dystopia. All of these horror surveillance plans are interconnected and full-Orwell.

The dirty open secret nobody likes to talk about is that these countries tacitly support each others’ surveillance laws because they can legally “spy” on each others’ citizens but not their own. Talk about a loophole.

Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
You’ve cracked the code! If only we have total surveillance and control of all citizens, that will stop all crime forever! Why hasn’t anyone tried this before?!

Seriously though. It’s not like this technology will just go away. The government will not give up secure encryption for themselves. There are millions of people in the world educated enough about it to create it from scratch. Totalitarian governments just create different kinds of terrorists.

It’s interesting you mention the IRA specifically. What was their original beef, again? Overreach and abuse of power by the UK government? Nothing justifies terrorism, but surely you see the irony in that.

Moreover, given that there's an undercurrent in the west right now of marking anyone who disagrees with government as a 'terrorist' it's only a matter of time before everyone commenting in this thread is up for the chop. Worse, you won't even need to be a prior suspect because the system will actively identify persons of interest.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Humans love to control other humans. While the common folk bicker and point fingers at others saying mean things, the elites play god. Got to love how the world works.
We live in a time where absolutely everything is up for subversion. "Control" is meaningless if you don't know what you are doing in a big way. In fact what we are seeing is the agony of the "elite".


Mar 8, 2022
I live near the border, and nope, Britain has a bigger and better cheese selection available. I do like Swiss and German cheese, though, even the stuff from the Alps that smells like feet.


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2021
Apple should pull out if the law goes through. UK is a tiny market in context to the world, and it would send a message that Apple is putting privacy and security first. Maybe it would force UK politicians to rethink the law as well


macrumors 65816
Sep 19, 2022
I understand why'd you want to separate the two things. But the EU is blantant overreach. You just like it, so you're excusing it.
If I did live in the EU I probably still wouldn't use alternate app portals; why leave the security and safety of the app store? What I wanted was full .ipa sideloading so I can get hold of emulators direct from source and older apps that have since been removed from my purchased library (eg AG Drive) or for some daft reason are not available in my region (eg Puzzle and Dragons) but we didn't get that.

All the EU did was look at Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux, AmigaOS, DOS, ChromeOS, WearOS, Symbian and Sailfish then looked at iOS and gone 'huh?'
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macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2014
Orange County, CA
Here's an idea: Apple should use AI to generate garbage data on device that looks plausible enough, then allow access only to that portion of the device memory to government backdoors. If you poison the mine, they'll just be wasting time gathering meaningless data on all of us. Try it in the UK first, then if it works roll it out everywhere (especially China!).


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
I live near the border, and nope, Britain has a bigger and better cheese selection available. I do like Swiss and German cheese, though, even the stuff from the Alps that smells like feet.
I guess we will just have to disagree. I suppose Wisconsin would want a word as well...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2012
UK always thinks it is exceptional...but never recognizes that we are really very (very) poor at executing any significant decision.

Whether that be to build HS2 (Train line), Horizon (Post Office IT), Aircraft Carriers, new Nuclear reactors or to leave the EU (Brexit) etc etc. All have gone badly wrong.

UK is broken right now. FWIW: it won't always be, but at this moment in history, we are absolutely on our knees.


macrumors 68020
Aug 16, 2010
EU is breaking security as well. It will break screen time parental rights which puts children at risk.
how would the EU rules break that? The EU rules dont strip the ability to lock down a device using controls...


May 23, 2012
China hasn't publicly asked for a say in Apple's worldwide behaviour, as the UK seem to be doing. Plus the UK is a far far smaller and less significant market for Apple.
Do you mean, Apple can provide selective updates to UK at Apple’s sole discretion, without anyone compelling them to do so (or not)?


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2021
It does make you wonder how long until the British government pass legislation so stupid that the likes of Apple have no option but to pull out of the British market...
It sounds like that is already here since Apple would have to remove security/privacy features and backdoor their phones for government access which would kill Apple's entire selling point for their products.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2021
The UK Govt is pretty much Saudi, Russia, India and China lobbied and funded for at the least the past 5-6 years. Those countries have actually played a blinder in destroying, controlling and pillaging the UK. Brits have probably the dumbest electorate, many still simp for the Royal Family/upper classes and believe everything they read from The Mail or Murdoch owned news.
Look at how the UK was arresting protesters, for the crime of peacefully protesting against the monarchy during the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. UK has lost their minds trying to replicate Russia's tactics in dealing with peaceful protesters.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
It does make you wonder how long until the British government pass legislation so stupid that the likes of Apple have no option but to pull out of the British market...
Will they? Apple it is today would have a much harder time finding alternative market to make up for lost revenue, unless UK government expel them for non-compliance.
Why on earth would someone support such law.
Every single government wants to.
There has been major push back against this, not just from apple. It will never happen. From a practical viewpoint our government isn't even capable of managing this.
Don’t say “never happen” too soon. And big tech giants are capable of managing what government is managing today?
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