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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Not every aspect, but aspects which can't or shouldn't be regulated by markets. And there are plenty of those. For example some diseases affect just a tiny group of people, so pharmaceuticals companies would rather finance research of the next anti-aging creme than find a medicine to treat these conditions. And without government regulation, pharmaceutical companies wouldn't exist at all. Snake oil salesmen would flood the market with so many wonder drugs with false health claims that the business of making actual medicine wouldn't work to begin with. Markets need government supervision like a football game needs a referee.
Yes, I agree regulations are necessary to protect society. But we’re not discussing products that don’t do what they claim.


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
If you believe life will stop without an iPhone, you have a big misconception about society.
You do realize we carry this conversation over the internet? Whether you're on a laptop or smartphone, your ability to execute your right to free speech depends on computer technology. Now what if I'm on iMessage and you're on WhatsApp? We couldn't talk anymore, because market forces alone didn't make Apple to comply to the common RCS standard. It's the EU who makes sure that you can always tell me: "you don't need no government", regardless of on which mobileOS you are.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You do realize we carry this conversation over the internet? Whether you're on a laptop or smartphone, your ability to execute your right to free speech depends on computer technology.
Yes, in 2023 mankind has made many technological advances. That we as a society depend on. But that’s motherhood and apple pie.
Now what if I'm on iMessage and you're on WhatsApp? We couldn't talk anymore, because market forces alone didn't make Apple to comply to the common RCS standard.
That’s capitalism and vote with your $$$.
It's the EU who makes sure that you can always tell me: "you don't need no government", regardless of on which mobileOS you are.
Yes, overregulation and overreach.
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May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
That’s capitalism and vote with your $$$.
No, it's not. Regardless of whether you bought an iPhone or an Android, you couldn't chat with people on the other platform out of the box. The only texting standard incorporated by all phone makers was SMS/MMS. Google was helpless and could only shame Apple for not adopting RCS. Nothing Phone could only hack together an insecure iMessage-compatible app, which requires you to share your iCloud password with a third company. Nobody but the government could demand messaging interoperability between competing platforms.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2022
Yes, I agree regulations are necessary to protect society.
But I thought you were against regulations by the government:
Truly baffling one could possibly want government to intervene and be intrusive on every aspect of one’s life.
Just because you want something regulated doesn’t mean it should.
I disagree. I disagree the nfc chip should be regulated. I disagree iMessage should be regulated.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
No, it's not. Regardless of whether you bought an iPhone or an Android, you couldn't chat with people on the other platform out of the box. The only texting standard incorporated by all phone makers was SMS/MMS. Google was helpless and could only shame Apple for not adopting RCS. Nothing Phone could only hack together an insecure iMessage-compatible app, which requires you to share your iCloud password with a third company. Nobody but the government could demand messaging interoperability between competing platforms.
Ok, we disagree - all is good. Neither is going to change each others mind in this debate of subjectivity. Now laws are laws and some are good and some bad and done get overturned.


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
Ok, we disagree - all is good. Neither is going to change each others mind in this debate of subjectivity. Now laws are laws and some are good and some bad and done get overturned.
There’s nothing subjective about the gun violence and opioid death numbers in the US. Your idea of societal self-regulation without government intervention obviously doesn’t work. Ignoring the objective facts doesn’t change that I’m right and you’re wrong.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
There’s nothing subjective about the gun violence and opioid death numbers in the US.
This is called in internet speak moving the goalposts.
Your idea of societal self-regulation without government intervention obviously doesn’t work. Ignoring the objective facts doesn’t change that I’m right and you’re wrong.
Yes. Purposeful mischaracterization of prior posts. Thankfully taking objective facts into consideration only substantiates you are incorrect.
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May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
Purposeful mischaracterization of prior posts.
You made it quite clear that you're very worried about any form of government regulation and want corporations to do what they want and customers to vote with their wallet. Ignoring the problems of this approach, after they've been pointed out to you multiple times, won't make you win the argument.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You made it quite clear that you're very worried about any form of government regulation and want corporations to do what they want and customers to vote with their wallet. Ignoring the problems of this approach, after they've been pointed out to you multiple times, won't make you win the argument.
And you made it quite clear that you’re very worried about the lack of deep regulations for companies and that regulations for companies app stores should be just as strict as regulations form air, food and water.

There is no argument to be won here, only discussion of nuances until the cows come home.

Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
You made it quite clear that you're very worried about any form of government regulation
Because the state has a history of opressing its people with over-regulation and ruining the market with over-regulation. Regulation to "improve" a companies product lessens the creation of more competition. Less state intervention is not equal to complete anarchy.
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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
You do realize we carry this conversation over the internet? Whether you're on a laptop or smartphone, your ability to execute your right to free speech depends on computer technology. Now what if I'm on iMessage and you're on WhatsApp? We couldn't talk anymore, because market forces alone didn't make Apple to comply to the common RCS standard. It's the EU who makes sure that you can always tell me: "you don't need no government", regardless of on which mobileOS you are.
Isn't WhatsApp on the iPhone?
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May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
To govern is to make rules and to enforce them. You object to the very idea of limiting companies choices to do whatever they want by setting up government regulations, like you can’t hold slaves and child labor is forbidden too. Which is something corporations would absolutely do and did in the past until governments stopped them, if necessary with a war. So it’s ultimately the military, which stands for the rule of law and against total anarchy's. By definition anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. There is no order without an authority enforcing the rules.
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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
To govern is to make rules and to enforce them. You object to the very idea of limiting companies choices to do whatever they want by setting up government regulations, like you can’t hold slaves and child labor is forbidden too. Which is something corporations would absolutely do and did in the past until governments stopped them, if necessary with a war. So it’s ultimately the military, which stands for the rule of law and against total anarchy's. By definition anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. There is no order without an authority enforcing the rules.
I do think a government should exist. I think the state should serve to protect the right to life, liberty, and property. If anything, including a company violates the rights of a person, it should be dealt with.
All we are talking about here is a government regulating iOS, having a walled garden does not violate anyones rights. If someone does not like what Apple does, they are free to not buy from them.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
And, pray tell, if one of the two only companies decide that the function I need is immoral and won't allow it, how many choices am I left with?
Phantom of choice and unfortunately the biggest attacking point by every staunch supporter of anti-sideloading propaganda.
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