
What was slavery like in ancient Rome?

Slavery was a pervasive and intrinsic part of ancient Rome's social and economic structure, with an estimated one-third of the empire's population being enslaved at its peak. From household servants to laborers, gladiators to skilled artisans, slaves played an essential role in the daily life of the ancient Romans. Despite the brutal conditions of their servitude, some slaves managed to achieve freedom and even rise to positions of power and influence...

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What was slavery like in ancient Rome?
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    What was slavery like in ancient Rome?

    What was slavery like in ancient Rome?

    Slavery was a pervasive and intrinsic part of ancient Rome's social and economic structure, with an estimated one-third of the empire's population …

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome

    Magazine by History Skills

    Information about the history of emperors, senators, patricians, plebeians and conquered peoples of the republican and imperial Roman world.

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