Women4Cyber Finland

Women4Cyber Finland

Non-profit Organizations

Missiomme on tukea naisia löytämään oma paikkansa kyberturvallisuuden alalta.

About us

Kyberturvallisuus on monimuotoista -cybersecurity is diverse.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees


Employees at Women4Cyber Finland


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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Event Team - Maria Hadzhidimova 💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? I relocated to Finland to pursue my higher education several years ago. My academic background is in the field of international business. I've been interested in cybersecurity from a young age. Despite this, I felt I was not good enough to pursue studies in the field. Instead, I opted for self-study to broaden my knowledge. Last year I took that significant leap as I completed my first cybersecurity certification. This fuelled my passion for cybersecurity even more. Currently, I am studying cloud computing which includes the utilization of various cloud services, examination of cloud security, as well as the implementation of AI and machine learning technologies. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? I was so excited to start my cybersecurity journey adventure and I am more than thrilled to say that I truly feels like my field. I enjoy its dynamic pace and ever evolving nature. However, I quickly recognized that I am missing a crucial piece – a network within the industry in Finland. Through a webinar, I came across W4CFI and discovered their need for volunteers. In response, I applied for a position on their events team. Drawing on my positive experiences in event management, I see this role as a perfect intersection between two fields I am enthusiastic about. Being a part of W4CFI is a great privilege. Not only does it allow me to grow in the field of cybersecurity, but also provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. I look forward to growing in this dynamic field and forging meaningful connections along the way. 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? I appreciate and thrive in a global environment where I collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. The field of cybersecurity greatly relies on teamwork, highlighting the importance of effective communication which is something I have developed an appreciation for in my studies in several countries. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? If cyber security was an object it would be a complex puzzle with lots of pieces to put together and you need to use your skills to figure it out. Sometimes you need to step back and look at the bigger picture or to have someone else look at it with fresh eyes. 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? I am a big motorsports fan and grew up supporting many Finns in my favourite categories. Perhaps that also influenced my choice to come to Finland. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Event Team - Claudine Chi-Väliheikki 💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? Hello all. My name is Claudine and I have just joined Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer in the event planning team. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? My professional and educational experiences are mostly within the field of educational management and leadership where I have worked for more than twelve years in Finland. Am currently transitioning to cybersecurity and my main interests are in Security Operations Center (SOC) analysis and Security Consultancy (providing advisory services on cybersecurity strategies, risk management and compliance). 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? Throughout my career, I have led diverse teams in tackling complex projects, and I firmly believe that success is achieved through collective efforts and leveraging individual strengths. As an entry-level candidate within the field of cybersecurity, I am committed to staying updated with industrial trends and expanding my knowledge of cyber security concepts. By developing foundational skills and continuously learning and growing I believe that I will be able to build a solid foundation for a successful career in cybersecurity. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? Viewing cybersecurity from an objective point to me will symbolize a padlock and a key. A padlock and a key symbolize the fundamental objectives of cybersecurity. Protecting digital assets using robust security measures (padlock) and controlling access to sensitive information through encryption and access control mechanisms (key). This representation emphasizes the importance of both defensive strategies and cryptographic techniques in securing digital systems and data against cyber-attacks. 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? I believe in long-life learning rooted in the idea that learning is a continuous and ongoing process that extends throughout one's entire life, rather than being confined to a specific phase of education or career. As a lifelong learner I believe that there is always something new to discover and learn. I approach each day with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a sense of wonder, eager to see what the world has to offer. I find learning opportunities everywhere; from books, podcasts, and online courses to travel, conversations with others, and hands-on experiences. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Do you know a woman who inspires others with her actions and example?  A woman who deserves recognition for the work she does? We are now looking for candidates for Role Model of the Year 2024! 🌐 https://lnkd.in/durUc5rT 💜 You can nominate until 10.8.2024. Please remember to justify your proposal. 💜 We'll select three women from the proposals, from which the public can vote for their favourite for Role Model of the Year 2024. 💜 We will announce the nominees on W4CFI social media channels. 💜 The Role Model 2024 will be announced in October at the Women4Cyber Finland event. #rolemodeloftheyear2024 #vuodenroolimalli2024 #women4cyberfinland #W4CFI #women4cyber

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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Event Team - Maheswari Gunasekaran 💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? I am Maheswari Gunasekaran, working as a Business Solution Developer, IAM at Vaisala. I am a career changer. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? Volunteering with Women4Cyber Finland allows me to give back to the community that has provided me with invaluable knowledge and confidence in the field of cybersecurity. It is my way of helping out with something I care about. I also want to support others who are going through similar experiences. 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? I am a good coordinator and team player. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? A subtle knife, a powerful blade from Philip Pullman's trilogy "His Dark Materials" which cut through any material. A Subtle knife symbolizes Cybersecurity as it precisely cuts through threats to protect our digital environment. 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? Seeing the Alepa robot always makes me happy. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Event Team - Piia Tauriainen 💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? I am Piia Tauriainen, a Security Analyst and Provision Manager at CGI. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? I joined a year ago after attending an interesting event. I wanted to be involved in making these events happen. 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? Sociability and over 30 years of volunteer work experience in scouting. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? Spaceship. 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? One of my professions is being a lumberjack. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Social Media Team - Meri Terho 💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? I'm Meri Terho, and I'm an ICT Development Manager focused on cybersecurity in a financial sector company. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? Last year, I had my hands full with organizing the main event in October, so this year my main focus is on organizing inspiring events with our support members. Learning new things and meeting new people is always inspiring when participating in our events. 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? I'm 100% a team player and absolutely feel that working with different people energizes me. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? A key that can lock anything. 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? For the past four years, I've been organizing a festival called MeriFestival for my birthday. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Check this out! Microsoft and Mimmit koodaa are organizing an interesting learning circle on cybersecurity fundamentals especially targeted for women 💜 For more info and registration: 🌐 https://lnkd.in/d955dBbc

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    Have a basic understanding of cybersecurity and its importance. 💎 In this session, Juha Saarinen from Microsoft will introduce you to 👌 the common cyber threats and risks, 👌 the principles and best practices of cybersecurity, and 👌 the tools and services that Microsoft offers to help you secure your cloud environment Read more and join: https://lnkd.in/dEeVtg3x #MimmitKoodaa #Microsoft #SkillsForJobs

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    Meet our inspiring volunteer from the Event Team - Åsa Wiren💜 1️⃣ Who are you and what do you do? My name is Åsa, and I work as a Cyber Security Specialist in social and healthcare services. I am currently completing my degree in Cyber Security Engineering at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. 2️⃣ Why did you decide to join Women4Cyber Finland as a volunteer? My own transition into the field as a career changer was partially challenging, and I wanted to support other women and minorities in feeling welcomed into the field, even without prior knowledge of cybersecurity. Having attended the organization's events, I found the community very inspiring. 3️⃣ What other skills do you have that are valuable in volunteering? I enjoy being with people, and I'm good at making connections. I'm also friendly and always ready to help whenever needed. 4️⃣ If cybersecurity were an object, what do you think it would be? I asked ChatGPT if it was something fluffy and adorable: Perhaps it would be a vigilant cyber-security koala, always perched in the digital trees, keeping a watchful eye over the virtual jungle, ready to hug away any cyber threats with its fluffy, protective embrace. So, a vigilant cyber-security koala it is :D 5️⃣ Fun fact about yourself? I first configured a UNIX-based terminal back in the '90s. My journey into the IT field wasn't as straightforward as this beginning might suggest, and it turned out I'd be a lousy hacker. #women4cyber #women4cyberfinland

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    Etsitkö vauhtia urallesi kyberin parista? 👩💻💼 Nappaa kannattajajäsenemme 2NS - Second Nature Security Oy parhaat työnhakuvinkit kyberistä kiinnostuneille 🤩 🟣Selvitä eri yritysten sisääntulopolkuja oman osaamisalueesi tehtäviin.  Mitä rooleja ja mahdollisuuksia päästä alalle on erilaisissa ja eri kokoisissa yrityksissä? Onko näitä kuvattu esimerkiksi yrityksen urasivulla? Isommissa yrityksissä voi olla enemmän sisääntuloväyliä entry level -rooleihin ja pienemmät organisaatiot ovat rakentaneet omia polkujaan uusien osaajien rekrytoinnille. Voit olla ytheydessä vaikka yrityksen rekrytointi-ilmoituksessa olevaan yhteyshenkilöön ja kysyä tästä lisää. 🟣Laadi CV:si huolellisesti!  Kirjoita auki työkokemuksesi tiiviisti ja pyri korostamaan sellaista kokemusta, josta on hyötyä haettavassa tehtävässä. Jos vastaavasta työstä ei suoraan ole kokemusta, mieti, miten aiempi kokemuksesi kuitenkin voi hyödyttää uudessa tehtävässä. Esimerkiksi asiakaspalvelukokemus on arvokasta todella monessa tehtävässä myös tietoturva-alalla, etenkin jos työtä tehdään konsultointina asiakkaille tai ollaan muutoin asiakkaiden kanssa tekemisissä oman asiantuntijuuden kautta. 🟣Ole aktiivinen!  Jos sinulla on mahdollisuus soittaa ja keskustella sekä kysyä lisätietoja avoimesta tehtävästä, tee tämä. Valmistele puhelusi ja mieti, mitä haluat kysyä ja selvittää. Hyödynnä saamasi tieto sitten hakemuksesi ja CV:si laadinnassa. 🟣Kerro konkreettisesti osaamisestasi!  Harrastuneisuuden ja opintojen kautta hankittu osaaminen on todella arvokasta. Pyri avaamaan rekrytoijalle, miten hankkimasi osaaminen voi olla hyödyksi alan työtehtävissä konkreettisesti, älä tyydy vain listaamaan opintoja hakemukseesi. 🟣Ole rehellinen.  Arvioi osaamistasi todenmukaisesti. Rekrytoijalle on vaikeaa, jos listaat taitoihin esimerkiksi koodikieliä, sanan "penetraatiotestaaminen" tai SOC-palvelut. Tästä on vaikea hahmottaa, mitä osaat konkreettisesti aiheen osalta. Osaatko lukea tietyn koodikielen koodia vai oletko onnistuneesti kirjoittanut enemmänkin koodia itse? Oletko jo itse käyttänyt Burp Suitea ja tiedät sen ominaisuuksia, vai oletko vain lukenut, mistä on kyse? Nämä asiat selviävät kuitenkin haastattelussa, joten ne kannattaa avata rehellisesti jo hakemusvaiheessa. Mikä vinkeistä oli sinusta paras? Kommentoi ja jaa omat vinkkisi muille!👇 #women4cyberfinland #W4CFI #women4cyber #womenincybersecurity #withsecure #cybersecurity #careeradvice #jobtips #kyberturvallisuus #työllistyminen #työnhakuvinkit

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