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We’ve Added a Player Rater

We’ve launched a new Player Rater feature for fantasy baseball. It is powered by the Auction Calculator with a few new exciting features to make it stand out for the casual fantasy players, as well as the deep league enthusiasts.

Some of the features that separate the Player Rater from the Auction Calculator are:

  • Toggle between stats and dollar values.
  • More time frames to choose from:
    • First and second half
    • Last 7, 14, and 30 days
    • Individual weeks over the course of the current season
  • Compare batters and pitchers on one table.
  • Roster% and Start% from NFBC
  • Player Cards

Player cards are an interactive dashboard that highlights each player’s fantasy contributions, including:

  • Dollar values for different time frames.
  • Season positional and overall ranks.
  • Weekly graphs with dollar values, playing time, rostered%, and started%.
  • Projection dollar values.
  • 5×5 stats and dollar values for different time frames.

Some of you may be wondering why dollar values? Converting stats to an auction dollar value has become widely accepted within the fantasy community as a method to compare and rank players. So even if you aren’t in an auction league, the dollar values still have meaning as a means of comparison.

Also of note, the weekly dollar values in the player card graph are scaled to season long values. They are NOT cumulative to the total season dollar value.

The Player Rater settings used in the Auction Calculator are 12-Team 5×5 and 15-Team 5×5. One subjective decision made was to use 7 SP and 2 RP for pitcher positions. This is to reflect the importance of starting pitching and to mimic more real life lineups. Managers rarely start middle relievers with no save opportunities. The Auction Calculator is always available if you need to evaulate player with your own league-specific settings.

We hope you enjoy our take on the Player Rater and its player cards. As always if you encounter any issues or bugs, please contact us at