How does It work?
Foundation Rwanda works with Survivors Fund (SURF) and other local Rwandan NGOs (non-governmental organizations) including AVEGA Agahozo, Solace Ministries, and Kanyarwanda to implement our programs and maximize efficiency.

SURF is based in Rwanda and the UK and has a long-term commitment to supporting survivors of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda and their dependents. Foundation Rwanda continues to operate as an independent 501(c)3 US nonprofit organization with its own board. Our holistic support programs are strategically implemented, managed, and evaluated by our local partner Survivors Fund (SURF) in partnership with the FR Board. Foundation Rwanda welcomes ongoing support  for SURF and our local Rwandan partners to continue implementing and running programs in support of the Foundation Rwanda families.

“Over seventeen years after SURF and FR joined forces, our partnership is united and stronger than ever. I am proud that all of Foundation Rwanda’s programs are run by a completely local Rwandan team."
– Samuel Munderere, In-Country Director, SURF/Foundation Rwanda

Where will my money go?
Your donation will directly support breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty and trauma for second-generation survivors born of rape during the genocide. Your support will provide small business loans, vocational training, and educational opportunities to second-generation survivors while offering trauma counseling and holistic support for their mothers. This holistic support includes income-generating programs and hardship funds.

What does it take to send a Foundation Rwanda student to college?
Foundation Rwanda university students are in need of support for food, accommodations, and transportation to enable them to attend college. Depending on their needs and the costs of their schools, this costs an average of $56 per month per student.

How do I become a Foundation Rwanda annual donor?
If you'd like to become a recurring donor, please check the recurring donor box on the donation page.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Donations to Foundation Rwanda are tax deductible under the US not-for-profit 501(c)3 charity status, Tax ID #11-3837036.
If you would like to make a donation in the UK, you can support our work by donating to our implementing partner organization, Survivors Fund (SURF).

Is my donation secure?
Yes.  Foundation Rwanda uses PayPal™ to securely process credit card donations online without sharing any of your financial information.

How do I give a gift via my Donor Advised Fund?

A gift through your Donor-Advised fund (DAF) will help break the cylce of inter-generational trauma and poverty for women survivors and their children born or rape in Rwanda. You can recommend a donor-advised fund grant of of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some cases, certain illiquid assets to Foundation Rwanda through your DAF giving account online or by contacting your fund manager.

Do you partake in corporate gift matching?
Yes! You can make your gift go farther through your company's charitable gift matching program. Thousands of companies, small and large, offer programs that double or even triple individual tax-deductible contributions made by their employees. Your employer may be one of them. The process is simple: Ask if your company has a matching gift program. If so, obtain a matching gift form from your human resources office or matching gift coordinator, fill it out completely, and send it along with your contribution to:

Foundation Rwanda
C/O Sara Solfanelli
71 Nassau Street, Suite 11C
New York, NY 10038

How do I become a corporate sponsor?
Contact us at info@foundationrwanda.org to learn about becoming a Foundation Rwanda corporate sponsor.

Can I make an estate or crypto donation or a gift of stock to Foundation Rwanda?
To learn more about estate, stocks, mutual funds, or other types of securities please contact us at info@foundationrwanda.org. Crypto donations up to $5,000 can be made via the “donate crypto” link above via our partner platform every.org. To make a crypto donation greater than $5,000, drop us a line at info@foundationrwanda.org.