📘Legend of EXTOCIUM

In a legend, there was an empire called 'EXTOCIUM,' known as the Land of the Gods. The gods there received their power from the explosion of the primordial star. The power of the exploding star was so enormous that the gods found it difficult to control the overflowing strength. They shared their own power and stored it in a mineral called 'Extocium' to use. The power of this divine mineral was so immense that Extocium soon became not only their empire but also their everything. The gods were strong, young and fearless, so they expanded their territory without hesitation, making all sorts of creatures and monsters kneel beneath the might of Extocium.

The empire is flourishing, and the warehouses overflowed with Extocium. The gods, no longer needing to conquer, indulged in luxury and pleasure. They no longer needed swords and shields, but wine and perfumes were sold at high prices. Some of the gods, for the sake of gold and silver jewellery and costly delicacies, even sold the Extocium, containing the power of the gods, to the earthly monsters at a dirtcheap price. There were gods who were against luxury and pleasure, All of them were exiled and lived in seclusion in the imperial court. Among those who were exiled, there was one who is often spoken of. He wore the wings of a dragon, had a large protruding spine, and horns of a goat on his head, making his appearance alone terrifying, it is said. When he was exiled and driven out of Extocium, he reportedly shouted these words towards the crowd.

"I will return to restore Extocium for its former glory. In the year of my return, this place will be stained with blood and vomit flames. You are the immortal gods, but you will finally die, and in your next life you will be reborn as mere trifles, yearning for Extocium."

Meanwhile, the monsters driven away from the earth to the sea by the might of the gods, had sharpened their blades of revenge. They gathered on the small islands and islets of the sea and quietly grew their forces. The Empire of Extocium buys all kinds of delicacies at a high price, so the sea monsters have divided themselves into earthly species to trade their seafood for Extocium. For centuries, these monsters focused on studying the power embedded in Extocium.

Finally, the peace of the Empire, which seemed to last forever, was shattered one day by an invading army of monsters from the sea. The gods were about to join the war, but there was no Extocium in the warehouse. Across the vast empire's territories, there was so little Extocium left. The gods had invested too much power into the mineral, and without Extocium, they became beings weaker than monsters. And so the Empire of Extocium, the land of the gods, was stained with blood and engulfed in flames. According to legend, a man with horns and dragon wings commanded an army of monsters on that warfield. In those two eyes, sorrow and madness shone, he trampled down everything on the earth and severed the threads of life.

Upon the ruins of the land, where black ashes scattered, both the Holy Empire and the monsters were pierced by the sting of bloodshed and met their end. The Legionnaire of Madness is said to have sealed himself away, weeping alone over the land. The Extociums that the monsters used are scattered all around, hidden on land and in the sea. Thousands of years passed, and flowers bloomed on the earth again, and a warm breeze blew. A race of minor creatures, called humans, lived in villages, farmed, and prospered. Some of the humans loved pretty, shiny things, so they collected stones of all kinds.

There was a pretty purple stone with a unique pattern among the others. When it was given as a gift to a child in a certain house, the stone cast a magic. The astonished humans, searching through records and legends, discovered that the purple stone was Extocium. And so, began their endless journey to find this mysterious power of Extocium.

At the very last page of the ancient book where legends were recorded, there was a small inscription of the phrase that appeared throughout the book. "I will return to restore Extocium for its former glory. In the year of my return, this place will be stained with blood and vomit flames. You are the immortal gods, but you will finally die, and in your next life you will be reborn as mere trifles, yearning for Extocium."

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