
Facts about Forest Carbon and Carbon Markets

Highlights the roles of carbon in forests as well as carbon credits, with aims to introduce the topics and direct readers to more resources.
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February 12, 2024

25% of forest carbon is found in living trees and plants.

Three trees

Forests are living, dynamic systems that cycle carbon through plants, soils, deadwood, and the atmosphere.

  • On average, only 25% of carbon in forests is in living trees and plants, which can be increased through management.
  • Up to 50% of carbon in forests is in soils. Carbon in the soil is difficult to increase, so soil should be protected to prevent erosion.
  • 5% of forest carbon is stored out of the forest in harvested wood products, most of which is in houses and buildings.

Carbon found in trees is stored in variety of carbon-based molecules.

Carbon molecules

Plants sequester or remove carbon dioxide from the air to make sugar, which supports primary functions of the plant (photosynthesis).

  • Plants turn sugar molecules (glucose) into polymer molecules (cellulose and lignin), which are the building blocks of woody biomass (trees).
  • Increasing the amount of living woody biomass per acre helps forests store more carbon.

Climate-smart forestry helps forests adapt and mitigate climate change.

Climate cloud

The future of forests and climate are interlinked—if one suffers, they both suffer.

  • Carbon dioxide in the air acts like a blanket keeping the planet warm. Forests help regulate climate by controlling how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere.
  • A stable climate helps forests grow and live longer by reducing the likelihood of extreme temperatures, weather events, and stress on plants.
  • Management actions that prevent forest loss and/or protect forest health can help stop a negative feedback loop between forests and climate.

One carbon credit represents one metric ton of CO2 emissions reduced or avoided.

Carbon credit

Carbon credits are created when a landowner is paid to adopt a new forest management practice that reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

  • A verified reduction in carbon emissions, due to an increase in carbon sequestration by the forest, can be used to generate carbon credits.
  • Buyers of carbon credits, either an individual or organization, are able to reduce their carbon footprint by paying landowners to reduce their carbon footprint instead.

More Resources

Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education

Penn State Extension