
Day in the life of Trail Crew By Matthew Thompson

Working at a ski hill can seem like quite a fun-filled job, which Will Maxwell has proven to be quite true. Maxwell is a trail crew foreman, and he and his colleagues are a vital part of Sunshines' smooth winter and summer seasons. At the start of the winter season, they can be seen working hard hours setting up snow fences, closing runs, and putting up the proper signs. This ensures the guests not only have a great day but a great season on the mountain. With all the hard work Trail Crew puts in they allow themselves a more lenient rest of the winter season where they can enjoy working and playing in the mountains.

Will Maxwell poses for the camera in their storage area.
Maxwell heaves over fencing to set up the Kids Kampus first thing in the morning.
Maxwell unrolling and setting the fence up for the Kids Kampus.
Trail Crew starts heading up the lifts and checking the fencing they use to farm snow. These fences need to have snow knocked off them as well as they occasionally need to be pulled up to collect more snow.
The brisk -20 Celsius morning sent Maxwell and his colleagues in for a much-needed warm refreshment.
Using his pole Maxwell knocks the snow off the fencing.
Continuing down the long line of snow fencing Maxwell efficiently checks and knocks off the snow on the fencing.
Maxwell lounging in a homemade hammock he and his colleagues built for an isolated place to take a quick break.
While riding the Strawberry lift Maxwell watches the snowboard event going on underneath the chairlift.
Maxwell rips through the trees spraying up some fresh snow.
Banff Sunshine village features a hotel, a restaurant, the main lodge, multiple lifts and much more.
Hard work showing true by the state of Maxwells' gloves which he says "aren't even his worst ones."
Created By
Matthew Thompson


Matthew Thompson/SAIT