Suicide Squad: Margot Robbie explains why Joker scenes were cut

Photo: Clay Enos

Moviegoers who packed theaters this weekend for Suicide Squad finally got to see DC Comics’ worst heroes ever in action, but the biggest baddie of them all — Jared Leto’s Joker — got much less screen time than the rest of the villainous bunch.

Leto has previously said that a number of scenes featuring the Clown Prince of Crime were cut, and Margot Robbie — who plays Harley Quinn, the Joker’s love interest who shares his affinity for colorful hair and general mayhem — has a theory as to why that was.

During an interview for Tipsy Talk, Robbie said she and Leto filmed “so much” of Harley and the Joker’s backstory that didn’t make it into the finished film.

“They probably realized that the emotional through-line of the story had to be the mission that we were on, and explaining the Enchantress’ position and all that kind of stuff,” the actress said. “And the [Harley and Joker] backstory stuff, though it’s magic and some of the stuff we shot was insane, they are flashbacks … so there’s a lot, but it just didn’t make sense to confuse the present storyline to incorporate all that.”

But when asked about the possibility of that dynamic duo being the focus of another film, she didn’t rule it out.

“I’m trying to make that happen,” Robbie said of a Harley spin-off (EW confirmed earlier this year that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. were considering a spin-off that would feature Quinn alongside other female DC villains and heroes). “There’s just so much more to do.”

Watch Robbie’s full interview below.

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