New Girl clip: Schmidt gets physical and Cece gets stoned

Meanwhile, Cece gets stoned — really stoned

Photo: Fox

Some people spend their bachelorette and bachelor parties drinking booze and visiting strip clubs. Not Cece and Schmidt: In a clip from two new episodes of New Girl, the almost-married couple separately celebrate their impending nuptials in very, very different ways.

Schmidt and his boys get in a bit of a rumble (set to Katy Perry's "Roar," naturally), while Cece and Jess get stoned on the couch. "The very fact that socks exist is proof that shoes don't work," Cece observes. "My hearing is so good without my glasses on," Jess responds. All in all, it's a very riveting, rational conversation.

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Watch the clip below, and see the episodes when they air at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. ET Tuesday on Fox. The network will also rerun New Girl's season 3 episode featuring Prince at 9:30 p.m. ET.

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