Soul-sucking dementor wasps, the Harry Potter illustrated edition, and more J.K. Rowling news

Photo: Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

The beloved author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, seems to constantly be in the news these days. Whether she’s defending a hypothetical union between Dumbledore and Gandalf or having a wasp named after Harry Potter’s soul-sucking creatures, Rowling is everywhere (and we’re totally okay with it).

We’ve rounded up some of the best J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter news of the week that had fans really excited:

Ah, dementor wasps!:

A new type of wasp was discovered last year in Thailand, according to CNN. Its name? Ampulex dementor, otherwise known as the soul-sucking dementor.

Dementors popped up in the Harry Potter series as terrifying, cloaked creatures that fed off human happiness. The Dementor’s kiss was a form of punishment, as the kiss would effectively suck out a person’s soul.

So, what is this wasp like, exactly? According to the World Wildlife Fund, the wasp has the ability to steal its prey’s free will in a single sting. Yikes.

The illustrated edition of Sorcerer’s Stone can be pre-ordered:

Fans at this year’s Book Expo got a special in-person glimpse at the cover of the upcoming illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Scholastic revealed the cover for the novel earlier this year, and while it won’t officially be out until Oct. 6, you can pre-order your copy on Amazon.

Even more images from the upcoming illustrated copy are available here.

Jacket art by Jim Kay © 2015 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Westboro Baptist Church vs. J.K. Rowling:

Following Ireland’s historic vote to legalize same-sex marriage, Rowling took to her Twitter account to share her excitement. A fan responded with a meme that read, “What if Dumbledore and Gandalf were gay together?” To which the author responded, “Then they could get married IN IRELAND!”

The Westboro Baptist Church took the opportunity to say they would picket the wedding, and Rowling replied, “The sheer awesomeness of such a union in such a place would blow your tiny bigoted minds out of your thick sloping skulls.”

Check out the full exchange, here.

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