Talking with Scott Foley

Talking with Scott Foley -- We chat with Felicity's main love interest

After months of Felicity surprises — date rape! cheating on papers! someone getting creamed by a bus! — we bring you the most shocking revelation yet: There are other actors on the show besides Keri Russell!

Allow us to introduce Scott Foley, who, as compulsive-compassionate dorm counselor Noel, is disproving the maxim that nice guys finish last. Thriving at the neuro-center of the Felicity’s-virginity-in-jeopardy plot, Foley, 26, has elevated Noel to hunk status — despite competition from aloof stud-boy Ben (Scott Speedman) — while turning him into the most earnest prime-time character since Potsie Weber. ”People totally respond to Noel,” he says with a laugh. ”But there’s a fine line between playing the good guy and the pathetic guy. Finding new ways to make the character good without being disgustingly good is hard work.”

Foley knows from hard work. Buying a one-way ticket from St. Louis to L.A. in 1992, he spent five years doing odd jobs like selling car insurance, stocking nursing supplies at a hospital, and managing restaurants while trying to crack into the biz. (”Almost got the Mentos commercial where the guy rolls in the wet paint,” he notes. ”If you watch, there’s a striking resemblance to me.”) After landing a breakthrough gig on Dawson’s Creek as cocksure jock Cliff, Foley impressed The WB enough to score roles in the Felicity and Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane pilots. Since Felicity got the go-ahead first, it was time for him to rev up his apple-cheeked appeal.

Easy as pie: Turns out the guy listens to Kenny Loggins. And drives a Volvo station wagon. One of his favorite hangouts is an ice cream parlor. (As for that tattoo on his shoulder? Don’t worry, it’s just Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.) ”Scottie is shamefacedly white-bread and he knows it,” testifies close Creek pal Josh Jackson. ”He’s a walking, talking Gap ad. But he has this latent charm just like Noel; instead of crossing the line into the saccharine zone, it’s almost like he’s winking at you.”

Maybe so, but then why aren’t we surprised by his idea of the ultimate Hollywood fantasy gig? Says Foley: ”I’d love to guest-star on Leave It to Beaver — it’s my all-time favorite show. I want to redo that episode where Beaver gets his head caught in a gate. And I could play the guy who gets his head unstuck.” He pauses with self-amused chagrin: ”I know — I’m a huge dork.”

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