Ahmet Akyol

Chief Executive Officer, Aselsan

By the decision of the Board of Directors, Ahmet Akyol, President and Deputy General Manager of the Microelectronics Guidance and Electro-Optics (MGEO) Sector was appointed as the CEO of ASELSAN to replace Haluk Görgün who left the post of CEO of ASELSAN due to his appointment as the  President of Defence Industry Agency  by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Ahmet Akyol graduated from the Computer Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of Kocaeli University in 2005. Akyol received "Innovation Leadership" training at Stanford University and attended trainings on Electro-Optics and Communications at Cranfield University. Having completed his Master's degree in Public Administration at Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Akyol is continuing his thesis studies. Ahmet Akyol, who was born in İzmit in 1982, completed his military service as an ensign in 2006-2007.

Between 2007 and 2022, Ahmet Akyol held various positions such as engineer, manager, consultant, Board Member and Deputy Chairman at the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Ministry of National Defence, TÜBİTAK, HAVELSAN and QUANTUM3D. He continued to serve as the Head of the Communication, Electronics and Information Systems (MEBS) Department of the Defence Industry Agency, where he was appointed in 2018, for three years. In 2021-2022, he served as the Head of the Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems (EHRS) Department at the Defence Industry Agency. During his tenure, he assumed responsibility for a large number of critical defence industry projects.

After his duties at the Presidency of the Defence Industry he was appointed as the Deputy General Manager of ASELSAN and the President of the Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-Optics (MGEO) Sector by the decision of the ASELSAN Board of Directors in June 2022.

Akyol, who continues to be a member of the Board of Directors of TÜBİTAK-SAGE and a member of the Sensor and Electronic Panel of the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) representing our country, is married and has three children.

General Enrico Barduani

Deputy Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Defense, Italy

MG Enrico BARDUANI attended the IT Army Military Academy in Modena, after graduating at the Army Military College in Naples. After being commissioned as Cavalry Second Lieutenant in 1990, he attended the Junior Army Officer School in Turin and was promoted First Lieutenant (1st September 1992).

Assigned to the 5th Cavalry RECCE Regiment “Lancieri di Novara” in Codroipo (Udine), he served up to 1997 as RECCE Coy Commander. From 1997 to 1998 he was Instructor at the Army Cavalry School and from 1998 to 2000 he served as Instructor at the Army Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Target Acquisition Training Centre.

He was Staff Officer at the cabinet of the Chief of the IT Army, while in 2008, promoted Lieutenant Colonel, he took over the command of the RECCE Squadron of the 6th Cavalry Regiment “Lancieri di Aosta” in Palermo.

In 2013, he was appointed as Commander of the 3rd “Savoia” Cavalry Airborne Regiment, the RECCE regiment of the Paratrooper Brigade “Folgore”.

From 2015 to 2016 he was deployed to Pristina (Kosovo) as Chief of Cabinet to COMKFOR. Back to Italy, he served at the cabinet of the Chief of Defence as Chief PAO.

In 2018, he was promoted Brigadier General and in 2019 he was appointed as Commander of the 132nd “Ariete” Armoured Brigade. Deployed to Afghanistan, he served as TAAC-WEST Commander in Herat from December 2019 up to August 2020.

From September 2020 up to May 2022 he was appointed as Chief of Cabinet to the Chairman of the EU Military Committee in Brussels. Back to Italy, he has been assigned to the Ministry of Defence as Vice Chief of Cabinet responsible for Military Policy Affairs. In October 2023, he has also taken over the position of Defence Policy Director.

From 1994 to 1996, for three tours he served in homeland security operations as Coy Commander supporting the national Police forces in Sicily.

He is qualified as Armoured Unit Commander and he has got the Italian Army Parachute badge and the US Army Parachute badge.

He got a degree in Political Sciences at the University of Turin, a degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Trieste, and a Master in Political Sciences at the University of Turin.

Linden P. Blue

Chief Executive Officer, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.

Linden Blue is currently Chief Executive Officer of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), a leading manufacturer of remotely piloted aircraft systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mission systems. 

Prior to being named CEO in 2014, Mr Blue served as President of the company’s Reconnaissance Systems Group (now Mission Systems). GA-ASI’s Mission Systems business unit focuses on providing integrated sensor payloads and software for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft platforms and develops high-energy lasers, electro-optic sensors and meta-material antennas. 

After joining the Lynx Radar Group in 2003, Blue supervised the build-up of radar manufacturing capability, radar imagery exploitation enhancement, the development of high-performance Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) capability, Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensor integration, and sensor data dissemination optimisation for ISR users. He also expanded its Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) role − which includes all types of support for the reconnaissance mission − to deployed locations of US and allied militaries. 

Prior to 2003, Mr Blue managed GA’s commercial power inverter business, which supplies electric power systems for mine-haul trucks and transit vehicles. Additionally, he has held management positions with GA’s German affiliates, including the Spreewerk ammunition demilitarisation facility. 

Before joining the company group in 1993, Mr Blue owned and operated an industrial coatings contractor in Thailand and worked for the US Information Agency in the Soviet Union. 

He holds bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and Slavic languages from Stanford University.

Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer

Chief Information Officer, NATO

Mr. Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer is NATO’s first Chief Information Officer (CIO).

In this capacity, his main responsibility is to realize Allies’ vision for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as mandated by the North Atlantic Council. He facilitates the integration, alignment and cohesion of ICT systems across the NATO Enterprise and its 25,000 civilian and military users, and oversees the development and operation of ICT capabilities.

Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer is the director of the Office of the Chief Information Officer, which is composed of ICT and cybersecurity experts, and reports directly to the NATO Secretary General. His deputy is Brigadier General Krzysztof Kociuba.

He also fulfils the function of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and acts as the single point of authority for all cybersecurity issues. This includes leading incident management, orienting specific investments, improving NATO’s cybersecurity posture, as well as increasing cybersecurity awareness NATO-wide.

Prior to joining NATO, Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer has directed all global computing and information technology systems for Sierra Wireless in Vancouver, Canada, from 2010 until 2021. This position followed eight years at Hewlett-Packard in Strategy & Planning and Business Intelligence leadership roles. In the 1990s, Mr. Boudreaux-Dehmer oversaw Supply Chain systems at Compaq’s Latin America Division in Houston, Texas, and São Paulo, Brazil. He started his career as a programmer at Bayerische Berg-, Hütten- und Salzwerke AG (BHS) in Peissenberg, Germany, in the 1980s.

Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer holds an MBA from Duke University in North Carolina, USA and a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Business Management Research from the University of Reading, UK. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at the University of Reading. The thesis for this degree examines human-technology interactions within the context of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

Morten Brandtzæg

Chief Executive Officer, Nammo

Christopher T. Calio

President and Chief Executive Officer, RTX 

Christopher T. Calio is the president and chief executive officer of RTX, responsible for leading a global team of 185,000 employees advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems and developing next-generation technologies. He is also a member of RTX’s Board of Directors.

Calio brings a broad range of experience in business management and strategy, most recently serving as chief operating officer. In that role, he managed the realignment of RTX from four to three business segments: Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney and Raytheon. He also oversaw the company’s functions for technology, engineering, enterprise services, digital, operations, quality, supply chain and environment, health and safety.

Prior to that, Calio served as president of Pratt & Whitney, which designs, manufactures and services aircraft engines and auxiliary power units.

Calio joined the former United Technologies Corporation (UTC) in 2005 as an assistant counsel and went on to serve in multiple leadership positions, including serving as chief of staff for UTC’s chairman and CEO, leading the legal department of Pratt & Whitney’s Commercial Engines business, and serving as vice president and general counsel for UTC Aerospace Systems, which is now Collins Aerospace.

Calio holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Trinity College and two degrees—an MBA and a law degree—from the University of Connecticut.

Safra A. Catz

Chief Executive Officer, Oracle Corporation

Safra A. Catz has served as chief executive officer of Oracle Corporation since 2014 and a member of the company’s board of directors since 2001.

She previously served as president of Oracle and has also served as the company’s chief financial officer. Prior to being named president, Catz held various other positions since starting at Oracle in 1999. She currently serves as a director of The Walt Disney Company and previously served as a director of HSBC Holdings plc.

Thomas Gottschild

Chief Executive Officer, MBDA Germany

Effective July 2016, Thomas Gottschild is the new Managing Director of MBDA Germany GmbH and thereby also joins the Executive Committee of the MBDA. Since January 2018 he is responsible for the strategy of the MBDA as Executive Group Director Strategy. Previously he was responsible for the MBDA’s efficiency and improvement programmes in his position as Executive Group Director Improvement.

Thomas Gottschild joined AIRBUS Defence & Space in 1996, and most recently was the Corporate Secretary in the company’s general management. From 2014 until the end of 2015, he was responsible for the strategy of the Space Systems division. Prior to that, between 2011 and 2014, he headed the Technical Sales Support and subsequently the Portfolio Management units at Cassidian Mission Systems including the marketing for unmanned platforms (such as MALE, HALE). From 2008 until 2011, and before the change of name to AIRBUS Group, Thomas Gottschild was the associate head of the EADS Brussels office, with the title EADS Director EU Defence Policy. In his role as Head of Airspace Dominance, Thomas Gottschild was responsible for the development of air defence systems (such as SAMOC, MEADS/BMC4I, FGBADS Netherlands and NATO ACCs).

After completing his Abitur in 1988, Thomas Gottschild served in the German armed forces in the field of air defence for two years. He then graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Siegen. Thomas Gottschild was born in Wiesbaden, Germany on 15 January 1969.

Kathleen H. Hicks

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense

HON Kathleen H. Hicks serves as the 35th Deputy Secretary of Defense; she was sworn into that office on Feb. 9, 2021.

Prior to becoming Deputy Secretary, HON Hicks held the position of senior vice president, Henry A. Kissinger Chair, and Director of the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. From 2009 to 2013, she served as a senior civilian official in the Department of Defense. Confirmed by the United States Senate in 2012 as principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, she was responsible for advising the secretary of defense on global and regional defense policy and strategy. She also served as deputy undersecretary of defense for strategy, plans, and forces, leading the development of the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance and the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review and crafting guidance for future force capabilities, overseas military posture, and contingency and theater campaign plans.

Prior to becoming the DUSD for SPF, from 2006 to 2009 Deputy Secretary Hicks was a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Deputy Secretary Hicks launched her career as a civil servant in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, serving from 1993 to 2006 in a variety of capacities and rising from Presidential Management Intern to the Senior Executive Service.

She holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an M.A. from the University of Maryland’s School of Public Affairs, and an A.B. magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Mount Holyoke College.

Bonnie Jenkins

Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, U.S. Department of State

Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, PhD, has served as the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security since July 22, 2021. As Under Secretary, she oversees three bureaus: the Arms Control, Deterrence and Stability Bureau; the International Security and Nonproliferation Bureau (ISN); and the Political-Military Affairs Bureau. In addition, as of May 2023, Secretary of State Antony Blinken named Under Secretary Jenkins as the senior official to lead the Department’s efforts on AUKUS implementation. Jenkins has the honor of being the first African American to serve as an Under Secretary of State.

U/S Jenkins previously served in the Obama Administration as Special Envoy and Coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs in the ISN bureau from July 2009 until January 2017. In that role, Ambassador Jenkins coordinated U.S. government efforts on threat reduction programs alongside international programs that prevent non-State actors with intent to do harm from acquiring chemical precursors, biological pathogens, nuclear material, and radiological sources to develop Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). 

From 2014 to 2017, Ambassador Jenkins led diplomatic efforts to promote the Global Health Security Agenda, a group of countries, international organizations, non-government organizations, and private sector companies that build countries’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats. 

From its inception in 2017 until April 2021, Ambassador Jenkins was the Founder, Executive Director, and Board Chair of Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS), a leading advocacy organization supporting women of color in the security and peace-building sector.

From 2005 – 2009, Jenkins worked at the Ford Foundation as the Program Officer for U.S. Foreign and Security Policy, and on Conflicts. From 2003 – 2004, she served as Counsel on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission). 

From 1990 – 1998, U/S Jenkins was a Legal Adviser to the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where she provided advice to U.S. ambassadors and delegations negotiating arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons treaties. 

Jenkins is a retired U.S. Naval Reserve Officer and has received numerous awards for her military service. 

Ambassador Jenkins has been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law School, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs, the Frank Batten Schol of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, The University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and The University of Minnesota Hubert Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Jenkins assisted in designing and leading arms control and nonproliferation simulation courses at Stanford University and in designing simulations at the University of Pennsylvania and Spelman College.

Ambassador Jenkins has a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Virginia; an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law from the Georgetown University Law Center; an M.P.A. from the State University of New York at Albany; a J.D. from Albany Law School; and a B.A. from Amherst College. She also attended The Hague Academy for International Law and is a member of the New York State Bar.

In 2023, Jenkins became an Honorary Member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Radka Konderlová

Director General, Ministry of Defense, Czech Republic

Radka Konderlova is a General Director of the Industrial Cooperation Division at the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic.

Her area of responsibility at the Ministry of Defence is among others defence R&D, EU and NATO innovation initiatives and support of the Czech defence industry within global markets and supply chains.

Before joining the Ministry of Defence, Radka worked in both private and public sector. She was stationed in Germany as a project manager at the European Patent Office, also held a position as a Head of Foreing Relations Unit at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and  also worked for United Nations Development programme in New York.

Ms. Konderlova holds a degree in European Studies and International Economic Relations from University of Economics Prague, also a degree in Business Management from Lyon School of Management.

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz

First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense, Poland

Doctor, local government official and politician. Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 8th, 9th and 10th term. Since 2015, he has been the President of the Polish People's Party.

Born in 1981 in Krakow. A graduate of the King Jan III Sobieski High School and the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College, he holds a doctorate in medical sciences. An employee of the Department of Internal Medicine and Rural Medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College.

From 2010 to 2011 he was a councillor of the City of Krakow.  He participated in the work of the Committee on Family and Social Policy, the Committee on Health, Prevention and the Committee on Property and Entrepreneurship. 

Since 2000 he has been associated with the Polish People's Party. He was also one of the co-founders of the Young People's Forum. From 2008 to 2012, he was the Secretary of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Polish People's Party.

On 18 November, he was sworn in as Minister of Labour and Social Policy. On 1 December 2012 he became the Vice-President of the Polish People's Party.

On 22 September 2014, he was re-appointed Minister of Labour and Social Policy in the government of Ewa Kopacz.

On 7 November 2015, the Supreme Council of the Polish People's Party appointed him President of the Polish People's Party.

He was also elected Chairman of the Parliamentary Club of the Polish People's Party. He was re-elected President of the Polish People's Party by the Congresses on November 19, 2016 and December 4, 2021.

From 2015 to 2023, he was the Chairman of the Parliamentary Club created by the Polish People's Party, and since 2016 he has been a Member of the National Security Council.

Since 2012  until 2021, he was the Chairman of the Main Council of the National Association of People's Sports Teams.

He is the grandson of Władysław, a soldier of the 13th Vilnius Uhlans Regiment and Peasant Battalions, and the son of Andrzej Kosiniak-Kamysz, Minister of Health in the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki.

Wife Paulina, they have two daughters, Zofia and Róża.

Daniel Michaels

Brussels Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal 

Daniel Michaels is Brussels Bureau Chief for The Wall Street Journal. He was previously German Business Editor, also overseeing coverage of the European Central Bank. For 15 years before that, he was the Journal’s Aerospace & Aviation Editor for Europe, covering airlines, aviation and aerospace industries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Before that, he covered Central & Eastern Europe for the WSJ, based in Warsaw.

Before joining the Journal, Daniel worked as a management consultant in New York, Warsaw and Moscow. 

Hanno Pevkur

Minister of Defense, Estonia

Hanno Pevkur has been the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia since 17 April 2023. Pevkur joined the Estonian Reform Party in 2000.

In 2022–2023, he was the Minister of Defence. 
In 2016–2022, he was a member of the 13th and 14th Riigikogu.
In 2014–2016, he served as the Minister of the Interior.
In 2012–2014, he served as the Minister of Justice.
In 2009–2012, he served as the Minister of Social Affairs (responsible for the fields of work, health, and social protection).
In 2007–2009, he was a member of the 11th Riigikogu.
In 2005–2007, he was a member of the Tallinn City Council, Chairman of the Nõmme District Administrative Board, and an advisor to the Minister of Justice.
In 2000–2005, he was active in the Nõmme District Administration, first as an administrative secretary and later as city district elder.
Before 2000, Hanno Pevkur worked as a lawyer.

Hanno Pevkur graduated from the Tallinn School of Economics in 1998 with a degree in law, and from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu in 2002.

Pevkur is a member of the Executive Board of the Estonian Olympic Committee, and has been the President of the Estonian Volleyball Federation since 2012. Hanno Pevkur was born in Iisaku on 2 April 1977. He is married and the father of a son and a daughter.

Jay Sapsford

Senior Vice President, International Division, U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

Jay Sapsford is Senior Vice President for Global Risk Analysis. In a newly created role, Sapsford leads the Chamber’s efforts in assessing broad geopolitical and economic risks that impact the business community, and helps identify global trends, risks and opportunities on behalf of the Chamber’s membership. 

A former journalist, Sapsford brings over 20 years of reporting and editing in Tokyo, Beijing, and New York, writing extensively on the economy, finance, trade, industry, and security for the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Reuters.

Sapsford also previously served as the chief administrative officer for Japan at Morgan Stanley, where he was responsible for policy positions, communications, counter-party risk analysis, crisis management, advocacy, and project management.

Luiza Savage

Executive Editor, Growth, North America, POLITICO

Luiza Ch. Savage is the executive editor for growth at POLITICO where she drives the development of new editorial products and coverage areas to serve audiences in Washington, the states and globally — including newsletters, thought leadership and multimedia formats. She oversees the audio, video and live event content teams, and leads the expansion of key franchises across platforms. Luiza led the creation of POLITICO Canada, a cross-border policy intelligence service, and spearheaded POLITICO’s expansion north of the border.

Prior to joining POLITICO, Luiza was the Washington bureau chief for Maclean’s, the national weekly news magazine of Canada. In that role, she covered several presidential elections, wrote and produced two television documentaries and was a regular commentator on television and radio. She previously worked as a reporter for three newspapers.

Luiza was born in Poland and grew up in Canada. She earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard College and a master’s degree from Yale Law School, where she was a Knight Foundation journalism fellow. She is married to New York Times reporter Charlie Savage; they have two children.

Mallory Stewart

Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, U.S. Department of State 

Mallory Stewart is the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability (ADS) at the U.S. Department of State. She joined the bureau in 2022, after serving as a Special Assistant to President Biden and Senior Director for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation at the National Security Council since January 2021. Prior to joining the NSC, she was the Senior Manager for Global Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation at the Center for Global Security and Cooperation in Sandia National Laboratories. While at Sandia, she helped lead Sandia’s Cooperative Monitoring Center in its efforts to facilitate scientific engagement for global security. From 2015 to 2017, Ms. Stewart was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Emerging Security Challenges and Defense Policy in what was then called the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance. In that role, she oversaw the Office of Emerging Security Challenges and the Office of Chemical and Biological Weapons Affairs. Before that, Ms. Stewart was an attorney adviser in the Department of State’s Office of the Legal Adviser, beginning in 2002. During that time, she worked on numerous legal issues related to nonproliferation sanctions, weapons of mass destruction and conventional arms control, missile defense, and space in the Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control. She also served in the Office of Treaty Affairs, and she represented the United States before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal as an attorney in the Office of Claims and Investment Disputes. Ms. Stewart was the State Department lawyer for the U.S. delegation that negotiated the Ballistic Missile Agreements with Poland and Romania, and she was the lead lawyer on the 2013 U.S.-Russian Framework for the Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons. For her work on that issue, Ms. Stewart was a recipient of the Secretary of State’s 2014 Award for Excellence in International Security Affairs. Ms. Stewart has also worked as a Nonresident Fellow at the Stimson Center, an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, and as an associate at the law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. She holds an A.B. from Harvard College and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General, NATO

Jens Stoltenberg became NATO Secretary General in October 2014. As a former Prime Minister of Norway and UN Special Envoy, Mr. Stoltenberg has a distinguished record of domestic and international achievements spanning security, defence, climate, energy, and economics. He is a strong supporter of greater global and transatlantic cooperation. NATO Allies have extended Mr. Stoltenberg’s term by unanimous consent four times, and his term will end on 1 October 2024.

Under Mr. Stoltenberg’s leadership, NATO has responded to a more challenging security environment by implementing the biggest reinforcement of its collective defence since the Cold War – with more forces, increased defence spending, and an unprecedented four rounds of NATO enlargement, with the accession of Montenegro, North Macedonia, Finland, and Sweden. NATO has also stepped up its efforts in the fight against terrorism. Mr. Stoltenberg has long advocated for increased defence spending and better burden sharing within the Alliance, and a greater focus on innovation and partnerships, including with the European Union. Mr. Stoltenberg has played a critical role in rallying international support for Ukraine as it resists Russian aggression, particularly since Moscow’s full-fledged invasion in 2022.

As Prime Minister of Norway, Mr. Stoltenberg transformed the Norwegian armed forces with more defence spending and new high-end capabilities. He also signed an agreement with Russia on establishing maritime borders in the Barents and Polar Sea, ending a 30-year dispute. Mr. Stoltenberg was instrumental in shaping Norway's oil and gas industry, and establishing the world-leading Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund.

Mr. Stoltenberg was Prime Minister during the deadly terrorist attacks that killed 77 people in Oslo and Utøya on 22 July 2011. In an historic speech at Oslo Cathedral two days later, he urged Norwegian society to respond with "more democracy, more openness, and more humanity, but never naïvete".

Over many years, Jens Stoltenberg has been devoted to mitigating climate change. He chaired a High-Level UN commission on climate financing and served as a UN Special Envoy on Climate Change, helping to prepare the Paris Accord.

Mr. Stoltenberg holds a postgraduate degree in Economics from the University of Oslo. After graduating in 1987, he held a research post at the National Statistical Institute of Norway, before embarking on a career in Norwegian politics.

Jens Stoltenberg was born in Oslo on 16 March 1959. He is married to Ingrid Schulerud. They have two adult children.

Jake Sullivan

U.S. National Security Advisor

Jake Sullivan is the national security advisor to President Joseph R. Biden, a visiting lecturer in law at Yale Law School, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Jake served in the Obama administration as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden and director of policy planning at the U.S. Department of State, as well as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was the senior policy adviser on Secretary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and previously served as deputy policy director on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign and as a member of the debate preparation team for Barack Obama’s general election campaign. Jake has also been a senior policy adviser and chief counsel to Senator Amy Klobuchar from his home state of Minnesota, worked as an associate for Faegre & Benson LLP, and taught at the University of St. Thomas Law School. He clerked for Judge Stephen Breyer of the Supreme Court of the United States and Judge Guido Calabresi of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He holds both undergraduate and law degrees from Yale and a master’s degree from Oxford.

Robert Weaver

Acting Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, NATO

Robert Weaver is NATO’s Acting Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment. In this role he leads the division responsible for facilitating the development and adoption of cutting-edge, innovative and interoperable capabilities, critical to ensuring the Alliance’s ability to undertake the full spectrum of missions and operations.

Robert also serves as the Secretary General’s Liaison Officer to the major NATO Agencies, advising on all matters relating to NATO's strategic goals and objectives. 

Robert has previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary General for the Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber Division (2017 – 2021) and as the First Deputy Director of the Secretary General’s Private Office (2009 – 2017), working for both Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Jens Stoltenberg. He began his career at NATO working on relations with NATO’s partners with a focus on the enlargement process. 

Robert is married and has two children. 

Keith Webster

Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

Keith Webster is president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Defense and Aerospace Council (DAC) and the Federal Acquisition Council (FAC) and vice president at the Chamber. He is an acquisition certified official and brings to the Chamber 32 years of experience leading international policy formulation and implementation. He is responsible for guiding the focus of DAC  to strengthen U.S. defense and aerospace industries by influencing both domestic and international policy on behalf of its members. 

Webster leads the Chamber’s efforts to increase advocacy and analytic work; promote DAC and FAC matters of interest to government entities, Congress, and the broader business community; and work cross-functionally with various departments  at the Chamber to engage foreign and U.S. government officials to advance each council’s agenda.

Before joining the Chamber, Webster served the Department of Defense with distinction. He was director of International Cooperation from 2012 to 2017 and has years of expertise in foreign sales of military equipment and services, international agreements, international scientific cooperation, and technology security foreign disclosure processes.

Webster was awarded the rank of Officer in the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in May 2019, the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service in 2017, and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in 2015.He was knighted in 2012 by the Ambassador of France to the United States.

He received his M.A. in international relations from Catholic University in 2001 and his B.S. in business finance (cum laude) from Towson State University in 1984. Webster was the CEO of HENSOLDT Inc. USA, a former member of the board of directors of  HENSOLDT Inc., and is a member of the strategic advisory boards of Mercure Global LLC and Lone Star Analysis.

Dr. Charles Woodburn CBE

Group Chief Executive Officer, BAE Systems plc.

Charles is Group Chief Executive Officer of BAE Systems plc. He joined BAE Systems in May 2016 as Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director on the BAE Systems plc Board of Directors, Director on the BAE Systems, Inc. Board of Directors and became Group Chief Executive Officer on 1st July 2017.
Previously, Charles held a number of senior management positions in the oil and gas industry including Chief Executive Officer of Expro Group, an oilfield services business. During a 15-year career with Schlumberger, Charles worked in the Far East, Australia, France and the United States.
Charles holds a First Class Honours Degree in Electrical Sciences and a PhD in Engineering from Cambridge University. He also holds an MBA from Erasmus University, Rotterdam and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. In 2023, Charles was awarded a CBE for services to international trade and skills.
Charles is married with two children and is a keen cyclist, skier and car enthusiast.