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Questions tagged [translation]

Determining English equivalents for words or phrases in other languages (that is, translation into English). We don't actually do translations: we can try and help you with your own translation. Please see the detailed tag info for guidance on what to ask.

1 vote
1 answer

How are called the fouls made with the sole? Translation of ‘planchazo’

Need help for an English equivalent of this action, I didn't find anything: planchazo (also plancha) Adelantamiento frontal de la suela del pie, que constituye una infracción en varios deportes. ??? ...
tac's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Are there other proposed translations of "aelfheres" in Beowulf than a name?

Am looking at the online Beowulf site, and wonder about "aelfheres" that is translated as a name. XXXVI WIGlaf wæs haten, Weoxstanes sunu, leoflic lindwiga, leod Scylfinga, mæg ...
Tomas By's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

In "amount of data, collected ~", which is modified by 'collected~'? amount or data?

The fast-growing, tremendous amount of data, collected and stored in large and numerous data repositories, has far exceeded our human ability for comprehension without powerful tools. (from Data ...
Mcreaper's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

English equivalent of the Russian idiom "You are confusing sour with yellow"

There is an idiomatic expression in my native language: "You are confusing sour with yellow", which means something like that though lemons are sour and yellow, not every yellow thing is ...
jsx97's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

What’s the meaning of the "floating sheds"?

Boats rocked in the floating sheds of the yacht harbor. Does "floating shed" refer to the cabin of the yacht?
Soroush Gh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to correctly translate "управляющая" to English? Is "head maid" only appropriate translation?

Context: Fictional world (with magic, slavery (not widely used)) and so on. A woman is the estate manager for small estate in a city. She oversees other hired servants and serve estate owners directly....
Tauri's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

English Translation from the german word "IT Systemhaus"

I am new to this site. I hope I am on the right one, as it looks like it has more than just one for English. What I am looking for is the correct translation of the German term "IT-Systemhaus.&...
djdomi's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
1 answer

How to write a name of competition in an article? [duplicate]

Hi I am translating text from Polish to English. I would like to ask you about your thoughts on it: A title of a newspaper is in Polish, do I need to add quotation marks or italics? The name of ...
Milena's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

The words to describe a slave's mentality

I am trying to translate a Chinese word 奴才 into English. Quite often it is translated to slave. But 奴才 is more about a person's mentality, e.g. obedient servant and being numb, timid, apathetic, and ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In Persian there is word for "A smile that taste bitter"; is there a word for it in English? [duplicate]

In Persian we have a word to describe this conflicting state: "facing a situation that makes one smile even though it's not a good situation, and it might even have negative effect on them." ...
Reza Same'ei's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

looking for a correct/ idiomatic phrase

Context: A recent meeting between Chinese and American Foreign affairs bosses in Munich. Original: 双方就开展人文交流,便利人员往来交换了意见。王毅敦促美方停止无端滋扰盘查中国公民,多做有利于增进两国人民相互了解的事情,并送美方一句古话:“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 During their ...
LetterQuest's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How would you name the different types of periods? ~ Translating ‘punto seguido’, ‘punto y aparte’ and ‘punto final’

In Spanish, we have different names for the different types of periods: If the period is inside a paragraph, it's called punto seguido. If the period ends a paragraph, it's called punto y aparte. If ...
tac's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Etymology and Elizabethan English connotations of "sat at meat" (Mark 2:15, KJV)

I came across a King James (1611) translation of Mark 2:15: And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Idiomatic expression for "putting off a task until a disaster strikes" [duplicate]

In Russian language there is a proverb "Пока гром не грянет, мужик не перекрестится". Literal translation would be something like this: the peasant will not cross himself before it begins to ...
Vladimir Baranov's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Word equivalent to "prestation" in French in the administrative field

I'm searching for an English word which could have the same meaning than the word "prestation" in french, in the sense of "some service (paid or not) that has been executed by an ...
swiss_knight's user avatar

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