Module:data/parser extension tags

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This module contains data relating to the MediaWiki parser extension tags which are enabled on the English Wiktionary.

--Note: noinclude, includeonly and onlyinclude are not parser extension tags, as they are handled in a special way by the preprocessor. Among other things, they cannot be used with {{#TAG:}}, for example.

return {
	["categorytree"] = "mw:Extension:CategoryTree",
	["ce"] = "mw:Extension:Math",
	["charinsert"] = "mw:Extension:CharInsert",
	["chem"] = "mw:Extension:Math",
	["dynamicpagelist"] = "mw:Extension:DynamicPageList (Wikimedia)",
	["gallery"] = "mw:Help:Images#Rendering a gallery of images",
	["graph"] = "mw:Extension:Graph",
	["hiero"] = "mw:Extension:WikiHiero",
	["imagemap"] = "mw:Extension:ImageMap",
	["indicator"] = "mw:Help:Page status indicators#Adding page status indicators",
	["inputbox"] = "mw:Extension:InputBox",
	["langconvert"] = "mw:Parser extension tags", -- undocumented
	["mapframe"] = "mw:Extension:Kartographer",
	["maplink"] = "mw:Extension:Kartographer",
	["math"] = "mw:Extension:Math",
	["nowiki"] = "mw:Help:Formatting",
	["phonos"] = "mw:Extension:Phonos",
	["poem"] = "mw:Extension:Poem",
	["pre"] = "mw:Help:Formatting",
	["ref"] = "mw:Extension:Cite",
	["references"] = "mw:Extension:Cite",
	["score"] = "mw:Extension:Score",
	["section"] = "mw:Extension:Labeled Section Transclusion",
	["source"] = "mw:Extension:SyntaxHighlight",
	["syntaxhighlight"] = "mw:Extension:SyntaxHighlight",
	["talkpage"] = "mw:Extension:LiquidThreads", -- undocumented
	["templatedata"] = "mw:Extension:TemplateData",
	["templatestyles"] = "mw:Extension:TemplateStyles",
	["thread"] = "mw:Extension:LiquidThreads", -- undocumented
	["timeline"] = "mw:Extension:EasyTimeline",