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Preserving grass craft Osing tribe's ingenious way to empower economy

One morning, the Osing ethnic children gathered at the Umah Suket Lalang center in Tamansuruh Village, Glagah ...

Tempeh --- a food for a golden generation

It is not clearly known which of our Indonesian ancestors discovered tempeh and how. There is only evidence, like the ...

Preserving the life source of the Moi people of Papua

Papua has extraordinary biodiversity with its tropical rainforests that are home to unique and rare species, such as ...

Culinary fest 2024 UFF honors Indonesian cuisine in Ubud

Culinary enthusiasts as well as domestic and foreign tourists thronged the 2024 Ubud Food Festival (UFF), where local ...

World Water Forum 2024

Jember ecotourism: Plant trees, taste local coffee

Leveraging a region's water resources holds immense potential for creating new tourist destinations that attract ...

MotoGP Indonesia: Organizer offers 50-percent off early bird tickets

Tickets for MotoGP Indonesia 2024 at Mandalika International Circuit in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, are being ...

This Bandung building has stood the test of time

Not just love, a nearly hundred-year-old historical building can be timeless, too. Take the Bio Farma Heritage ...

A story about preservation of Papuan local cuisine

Indonesia's region of Papua offers an extensive array of delicacies, some of which are made from exotic ...

Aligning "Bau Nyale" tradition with Mandalika SEZ development

"Bau Nyale" or catching sea worms is a traditional activity held every year by the local community around ...

Indonesia begins population survey to track more Javan leopards

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry collaborated with Indonesian SINTAS Foundation to conduct a population survey ...

Preserving Kamoro, Amugme languages in digital age

At the four-wheeled vehicle parking lot, head of the Mimika District Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Sports Service of ...

News Feature

Reaping sweet returns with kelulut honey in the heart of Borneo

Suwandi Frans Sutoyo, 30, gently opened the covers of a kelulut honey bee hive, usually made of wooden cutouts, to ...

Imlek fever hits Jakarta as Lunar New Year approaches

Nearing the Lunar New Year, or Imlek, that falls on February 10 this year, almost every corner of Jakarta, especially ...

Discover a hidden underwater paradise on Miang Island, East Kutai

Miang Island, a small landmass off the East Kalimantan coast, is surrounded by Sulawesi Sea and though not as ...

News Feature

Exploring coffee potential from Mount Rinjani to global market

Indonesian coffee has potential that has piqued the interest of the international market, especially Europe and ...