About the EFTA Public Journal

The EFTA Public Journal was launched on 1 April 2008, following Decision of the EFTA Council No. 6 of 2007 (as amended) and Decision of the EFTA Standing Committee No. 3 of 2007. The list of the types of documents that are publicly available can be found in the annexes to the Decisions. These publicly accessible documents are available for immediate download from the Public Journal. Documents that are restricted can be requested by sending a request by email.
The EFTA Public Journal contains references to documents drawn up by the EFTA Secretariat. The documents are either public, and thus directly available for download, or restricted, in which case access to them can be requested. Each document listing has either a download option, or a ‘Request Access’ button. Clicking on the first directly opens the document, while clicking on the second opens a form.

Search for Documents

You can locate a document on the Public Journal by searching for its title (complete or parts thereof) or its reference number. You can also search by period or date of the document’s placement on the Public Journal. To search for documents, use the search box on the landing page. For example, by entering ‘EFTA Council’ you will get a list of documents that are related to the EFTA Council. By entering a number, you will get the document with that particular number.

Other Options to Request Access

In addition to seeking access to documents through the EFTA Public Journal, it is possible to approach the Secretariat directly and apply for access, subject to the conditions in the decisions mentioned above, Decision of the EFTA Standing Committee No. 3 of 2007 or Decision of the EFTA Council No. 6 of 2007 (as amended). For that purpose, please email access@efta.int or send your request to:

EFTA Secretariat
Attn: Georg Gaenser
Information coordinator
Avenue des Arts 19H
1000 Brussels

In the absence of a reply within reasonable time from registration of the application, but in no event earlier than 12 days from that time, you are entitled to refer the request to the Standing Committee of the EFTA States (EEA-related documents) or the EFTA Council (incl. administrative documents) at the addresses below.

Standing Committee: EFTA Council:
EFTA Secretariat   EFTA Secretariat
Secretary to the EFTA Standing Committee   9-11 Rue de Varambé
Avenue des Arts 19H   CH 1211 Geneva 20
1000 Brussels   Switzerland
Belgium   Email: council@efta.int
Email: standingcommittee@efta.int    

About EFTA

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is the intergovernmental organisation of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. It was set up in 1960 by its then seven Member States for the promotion of free trade and economic integration between its members. For more information about EFTA please visit our website www.efta.int.