
We seek to overcome America's cultural divides by offering constructive alternatives to identity politics.


Theodore Dalrymple Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal
Kay S. Hymowitz William E. Simon Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @KayHymowitz
Joseph Figliolia Policy Analyst
Glenn C. Loury John A. Paulson Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Merton P. Stoltz Professor of Economics, Brown University
Heather Mac Donald Thomas W. Smith Fellow
Contributing Editor, City Journal
Roland G. Fryer, Jr. John A. Paulson Fellow
Zach Goldberg Fellow @ZachG932
Gail Heriot Book Fellow | Professor, University of San Diego School of Law | Member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights @GailHeriot
John Ketcham Director and Fellow, Cities | Fellow, Legal Policy @JKetcham91
Eric Kaufmann Adjunct Fellow @epkaufm
Renu Mukherjee Fellow @RenuMukherjee1
Jason L. Riley Senior Fellow @jasonrileywsj
Christopher F. Rufo Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @realchrisrufo
Leor Sapir Fellow @LeorSapir
Ilya Shapiro Senior Fellow | Director, Constitutional Studies @ishapiro
Colin Wright Fellow @SwipeWright

