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Audiovisual and Media Services

These days we can watch our favourite programmes not just on TV, but also online. These shows are subject to the rules of the single market.

The EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) governs EU-wide coordination of national legislation on all audiovisual media — traditional TV broadcasts and on-demand services. 

The latest review of AVMSD was carried out in 2018. To help Member States with the implementation of the new AVMSD the Commission has adopted three sets of guidelines:

  1. guidelines on video sharing platforms
  2. guidelines on European works
  3. guidelines on the scope of Member States’ media literacy reports

Goals of EU coordination

  • Providing rules to shape technological developments
  • Creating a level playing field for emerging audiovisual media
  • Preserving cultural diversity
  • Protecting children and consumers
  • Safeguarding media pluralism
  • Combating racial and religious hatred
  • Guaranteeing the independence of national media regulators

Areas of EU coordination

The AVMSD governs EU-wide coordination of national legislation in the following areas:

  • general principles
  • incitement to hatred
  • accessibility for people with disabilities
  • principles of jurisdiction
  • major events
  • promotion and distribution of European works
  • commercial communications
  • protection of minors

Further Reading

Reports of targeted consultations

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