
  Fruits 72 (6) 331-340 | DOI: 10.17660/th2017/72.6.1
ISSN 0248-1294 print and 1625-967X online | © ISHS 2017 | Fruits, The International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture | Original article

Tsiperifery, the wild pepper from Madagascar, emerging on the international spice market whose exploitation is unchecked: current knowledge and future prospects

H. Razafimandimby1,2,3, A.-G. Benard1,2, H. Andrianoelisoa1,2, J.-M. Leong Pock Tsy2, G. Touati4, A. Levesque5, M. Weil5, R. Randrianaivo2,6, L. Ramamonjisoa3,7, J. Queste2,8, S. Aubert2,8, J.P. Danflous9 and P. Danthu2,10
1 D�partement des Recherches Foresti�res et Piscicoles, FOFIFA, BP 904 Antananarivo, Madagascar
2 DP For�ts et Biodiversit� Madagascar, BP 853, Antananarivo, Madagascar
3 Ecole Sup�rieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Universit� d�Antananarivo, BP 175 Antananarivo, Madagascar
4 ISTOM, 32, Boulevard du Port, 95094 Cergy-Pontoise, France
5 CIRAD UMR QualiSud, Station Ligne Paradis, 7 Chemin de l�Irat, 97410 Saint-Pierre, BP 180, R�union, France
6 D�partement de Recherche Technologiques, Centre National des Recherches Appliqu�es au D�veloppement Rural, BP 904, Antananarivo, Madagascar
7 Silo National des Graines Foresti�res, BP 5091, Antananarivo, Madagascar
8 CIRAD, UR Green, Campus de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
9 CIRAD, UR Innovation, Station de Bassin Plat, BP 180, 97455 Saint-Pierre Cedex, La R�union, France
10 Direction R�gionale du CIRAD � Madagascar, BP 853, Antananarivo, Madagascar, et CIRAD DGD-RS, Campus de Lavalette, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Introduction � A new spice on the international market. Tsiperifery is a wild pepper from Madagascar belonging to the genus Piper. This new culinary spice, which is gaining gourmet notoriety due to its unique organoleptic properties and its endemic and exotic origin, is attracting a growing number of actors to harvest and trade it. Scientific challenges � This growing appetite for tsiperifery is making collection of the plant unsustainable and contributing to the degradation of Malagasy forests with the felling of lianas, as well as host trees, and subsequent deforestation. Little is known about the plant, and its trade has developed in the relative absence of any scientific knowledge. There is not even the most basic of information available regarding its geographic distribution, taxonomy, ecology or reproductive mode. Moreover, tsiperifery is regarded simply as black pepper by Malagasy and international regulations. Socio-economic challenge � Poorly paid harvesters. The peppercorns are harvested by pickers from the poorest sector of the local population, earning them a valued income, which is nonetheless derisory compared to the gains made by the other market players. Results and discussion � Lay the bases for a sustainable management of tsiperifery. This finding indicates that scientific backing aimed at reducing uncertainties about the biology, exploitation and transformation of the plant is required to establish the bases for sustainable management of the plant. We suggest supporting the sector in producing sustainably exploited tsiperifery by exploring different innovations, which would include creating a �label� that guarantees the product's quality through association with its origin and implementing a participative process for domesticating the plant. Conclusion � Advocating for the involvement of all stakeholders. Research has limited impact in a context devoid of economic and political partners, and funders. Without the involvement of major stakeholders, it will be no time before tsiperifery finds its way into the CITES Appendix II.

Le tsiperifery, le poivre sauvage de Madagascar
Introduction � une �pice nouvelle sur le march� international. Le tsiperifery est un poivre sauvage de Madagascar appartenant au genre Piper. Ses qualit�s organoleptiques uniques, son origine end�mique et exotique lui ont conf�r�, r�cemment, une forte notori�t� sur le march� international et ont incit� nombre d�acteurs � s�investir dans sa r�colte et son commerce. Enjeux scientifiques � En cons�quence de cet engouement, la collecte du tsiperifery est un facteur de d�gradation des for�ts malgaches: abattage des lianes, voire des arbres-support, d�forestation. La fili�re s�est organis�e alors que tr�s peu de connaissances scientifiques sont disponibles. Des informations aussi basiques que son aire de r�partition, sa taxonomie, son �cologie, ses modes de reproduction ne sont pas actuellement disponibles. Par ailleurs, aucune r�glementation malgache ne reconna�t le tsiperifery, assimil� au poivre noir. Enjeux socio-�conomiques � une fili�re qui r�mun�re mal les r�colteurs locaux. La r�colte est r�alis�e par les populations locales (parmi les plus pauvres de Madagascar) qui en retirent un revenu appr�ciable, m�me s�il est faible compar� aux plus-values des autres acteurs de la fili�re. R�sultats et discussion � poser les bases d�une gestion durable du tsiperifery. Ce constat nous sugg�re une d�marche de recherche d�accompagnement visant � r�duire les incertitudes sur la biologie de la plante, son exploitation, sa transformation. Nous proposons d�accompagner la fili�re vers une exploitation durable en explorant diff�rentes innovations: une d�marche de cr�ation d�un signe de qualit� et d�origine et la mise en �uvre d�un processus participatif de domestication. Conclusion � plaidoyer pour l�implication de tous les acteurs. Toutefois, sans appui ou relais politique, des partenaires �conomiques ou des grands bailleurs, la recherche ne pourra pas �viter que le tsiperifery rejoigne, � br�ve �ch�ance, l�Annexe II de la CITES.

Keywords Madagascar, tsiperifery, wild pepper, Piper spp., sustainable exploitation, non-timber forestry products

Mots clés Madagascar, tsiperifery, poivre sauvage, Piper spp., exploitation durable, produits forestiers non-ligneux

Significance of this study

What is already known on this subject?

  • Tsiperifery, wild pepper of Madagascar, is a new spice on the international market. There is hardly any scientific knowledge on this plant.
What are the new findings?
  • This paper offers a multidisciplinary review of the existing scientific knowledge and a diagnosis of its exploitation.
What is the expected impact on horticulture?
  • Tsiperifery is a credible candidate to large-scale cultivation in Madagascar, once its domestication is mastered.

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Received: 26 July 2016 | Accepted: 23 November 2016 | Published: 1 December 2017 | Available online: 1 December 2017

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