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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access March 23, 2017

Measuring the Cosmic Web

  • Volker Müller EMAIL logo , Kai Hoffmann and Sebastián E. Nuza
From the journal Open Astronomy


A quantitative study of the clustering properties of the cosmic web as a function of absolute magnitude and color is presented using the SDSS Data Release 7 galaxy survey. Mark correlations are included in the analysis. We compare our results with mock galaxy samples obtained with four different semi-analytical models of galaxy formation imposed on the merger trees of the Millenium simulation. The clustering of both red and blue galaxies is studied separately.


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Received: 2011-7-10
Accepted: 2011-8-1
Published Online: 2017-3-23
Published in Print: 2011-6-1

© 2017

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