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Mating and aggregative behaviors among basal hexapods in the Early Cretaceous

Fig 3

Assemblage evidencing gregariousness of Proisotoma communis in Early Cretaceous Spanish amber.

(A) Overview of the amber piece MCNA 11231. (B) Camera lucida drawing showing the general configuration of the syninclusions. (C) Close up of box in (A), showing some individuals from the main group of the association. (D and E) Close up of boxes in (C), showing the intraspecific character variability described and mainly concerning the size of the specimens (see also S1 Table). (F and G) Cycadopites-type pollen grains from the assemblage (box in (F) indicate the magnified cluster in (G)), and possibly attributable to falling pollen being concentrated in the viscous resin. Scale bars, 2000 μm (A, B), 300 μm (C), 100 μm (D–F), 50 μm (G).

Fig 3
