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Hierarchical Models in the Brain

Figure 8

Schematic detailing the neuronal architectures that encode an ensemble density on the states and parameters of one level in a hierarchical model.

This schematic shows the speculative cells of origin of forward driving connections that convey prediction error from a lower area to a higher area and the backward connections that are used to construct predictions. These predictions try to explain away input from lower areas by suppressing prediction error. In this scheme, the sources of forward connections are the superficial pyramidal cell population and the sources of backward connections are the deep pyramidal cell population. The differential equations relate to the optimisation scheme detailed in the main text and their constituent terms are placed alongside the corresponding connections. The state-units and their efferents are in black and the error-units in red, with causes on the left and hidden states on the right. For simplicity, we have assumed the output of each level is a function of, and only of, the hidden states. This induces a hierarchy over levels and, within each level, a hierarchical relationship between states, where hidden states predict causes.

Figure 8
