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Simons Observatory HoloSim-ML: machine learning applied to the efficient analysis of radio holography measurements of complex optical systems


Near-field radio holography is a common method for measuring and aligning mirror surfaces for millimeter and sub-millimeter telescopes. In instruments with more than a single mirror, degeneracies arise in the holography measurement, requiring multiple measurements and new fitting methods. We present HoloSim-ML, a Python code for beam simulation and analysis of radio holography data from complex optical systems. This code uses machine learning to efficiently determine the position of hundreds of mirror adjusters on multiple mirrors with few micrometer accuracy. We apply this approach to the example of the Simons Observatory 6 m telescope.

© 2021 Optical Society of America

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Data Availability

The HoloSim-ML code and scripts used to produce these results are available in Ref. [30]. Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.

30. McMahon Cosmology Group, “HoloSim-ML,” GitHub, 2021,

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