Karger Publishers would like to invite the readers of the Neuropsychobiology journal to join us in bidding farewell to Prof. Werner K. Strik, who has been the Editor-in-Chief of the journal for eighteen years and has retired from the role as of the end of 2023. We are extremely thankful for his hard work, which ensured that Neuropsychobiology is recognized as a sound platform for original progress reports and systematics reviews, as well as for several highly cited conceptual articles.

Prof. Strik always stressed the importance of the journal to publish progress reports, which allow readers to “follow the developments in their field more closely and obtain an idea of the progress and methodological competence of competing research groups” (https://karger.com/nps/article/51/1/1/233022/Editorial). He was also in charge of major changes in the journal, from scientific organizational aspects of the Editorial Board to the implementation of a full electronic submission and peer review system. His long editorship was most appreciated by Karger Publishers and has certainly resulted in the Neuropsychobiology journal being the recognized journal that it is today. Hence, we thank Prof. Strik and wish him all the best in his retirement.

During 2024 a new Editor-in-Chief will be secured for the journal. Meanwhile, Karger and the rest of the Editorial Board of the journal remain committed to maintaining the quality for which the journal has been recognized under Prof. Strik’s editorship.

Gabriella Karger, Chairwoman and Publisher

Daniel Ebneter, CEO