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Melatonin: a panacea for desperate parents? (Hype or truth)
  1. R Gupta1,
  2. J Hutchins2
  1. 1Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
  2. 2Ealing PCT, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr R Gupta
    Department of Paediatrics, Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, Uxbridge Road, Southall, London UB1 3EU, UK;

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Sleep disorders are common in children with neurodevelopmental disorder and are a major source of stress for the whole family. In children with neurodevelopmental disabilities the prevalence may be as high as 80%.1 The current literature is suggestive of circadian rhythm dysfunction, social difficulties, and abnormal melatonin levels in children with autism.2

Hypnotics and sedatives can produce side effects and tolerance, …

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