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Carrot Ads API

Carrot Ads brings the best of Instacart advertising products, technology, and expertise to help retailers build and grow their retail media business. With on-site advertising technology, Carrot Ads strikes the right balance of user experience, ad relevance, and unique product differentiation.

Carrot Ads offers the following advantages:

  • Personalized to your customers. Machine learning takes into consideration product conversion rates based on user behavior when showing ads.
  • Breadth of ad formats. Sponsored product and display ad formats.
  • Instant access to advertiser demand. Instacart provides coverage for over 5,500 brands, including large CPGs, emerging CPGs, and small regional brands. Retailers have options to sourcing their own demand, have Instacart source the demand, or combine a hybrid of the two approaches.
  • Campaign management. Self-service Ads Manager UI to create, target, and measure advertising campaigns for brands.
  • Monetization reporting. Retailers can use the Instacart Platform Portal to track daily ad revenue for their site or app.

With the Carrot Ads API, you can use RESTful API calls to achieve the following goals:

  • Display sponsored product ads in your owned-and-operated e-commerce site.
  • Display placement ads in your owned-and-operated e-commerce site.
  • Display brand pages in your owned-and-operated e-commerce site.
  • Track measurement metrics about how your customers view and engage with the ads.
  • View ads revenue and performance metrics in Instacart Platform Portal.
  • Ingest orders fulfilled by third-party delivery services.

To get started, follow the tutorials to get an access token and implement Carrot Ads API.