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Using GitHub Copilot

Use GitHub Copilot to increase your productivity.

Getting code suggestions in your IDE with GitHub Copilot

Use GitHub Copilot to get code suggestions in your editor.

Asking GitHub Copilot questions in your IDE

Use Copilot Chat in your editor to give code suggestions, explain code, generate unit tests, and suggest code fixes.

Asking GitHub Copilot questions in GitHub Mobile

You can use GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile to answer general questions about software development.

Using GitHub Copilot in the command line

You can use Copilot with the GitHub CLI to get suggestions and explanations for the command line.

Prompt engineering for GitHub Copilot

Follow these strategies to improve your Copilot results.

Using extensions to integrate external tools with Copilot Chat

You can use GitHub Copilot Extensions to interact with external tools in GitHub Copilot Chat.

Finding public code that matches GitHub Copilot suggestions

If you allow GitHub Copilot to make suggestions that match publicly available code, you can see references to the matching code on