Legacy Premium Support and SLA


Fastly maintains support for its original Premium Support plan. For more information about our current Gold and Enterprise support plans or for information about our Professional Services packages, contact sales@fastly.com.

Legacy Premium Support description and SLA

Support availability and response times vary depending on the type of account you have and the level of support you have purchased. The following table summarizes those offerings:

OfferingUnpaid AccountMonth-to-Month AccountTermed ContactPremium Support
Online ForumsYesYesYesYes
Email Support Response Time CommitmentBest EffortBest EffortNext Business DaySeverity 1 Incidents: 15 minutes*. All Others: Next Business Day
Severe Incident Response Email AddressNoNoNoYes
Support SLANoneNoneTermination OptionInvoice Credits + Termination Option

Technical support

The following section applies to all Subscribers.


  • "Business Hours" are 8AM-6PM Monday through Friday, Pacific Time.
  • "Business Days" are Monday through Friday excluding US and UK national and banking holidays.
  • An "Incident" is an occurrence during which an end user's use of Subscriber's services is adversely impacted.
  • A "Severity 1 Incident" is an Incident resulting in a major service outage requiring Subscriber to redirect all traffic from Fastly to another CDN.
  • A "Severity 2 Incident" is an Incident resulting in minor or intermittent outage not requiring Subscriber to redirect traffic to another CDN.
  • "Fastly Control" means elements entirely under Fastly's control and not a consequence of (a) your hardware or software failures, (b) you or your end user's connectivity issues, (c) your operator errors, (d) traffic amounts that exceed your Permitted Utilization as defined in the Terms and Conditions, (e) your corrupted content, (f) acts of god (any) or war, or earthquakes, or terrorist actions.

Subscriber responsibilities

Subscriber is responsible for using and configuring services according to the Documentation available at https://docs.fastly.com.

Support requests

Subscribers submit support requests by visiting https://support.fastly.com/ or sending email to support@fastly.com. Subscribers receive a system-generated response within minutes containing the ticket number and a direct link to the ticket.

Incident reports should include at the least the following:

  • Services not responding to end user requests.
  • Services incorrectly sending end users error condition messages.
  • Services sending incorrect or partial content to end-users.

Incident reports should include all relevant information, such as:

  • Subscriber's determination of the Severity Level of the Incident,
  • Subscriber hardware failures,
  • Subscriber operator errors,
  • Services configuration errors made by Subscriber employees,
  • Potential Excess Utilization (as defined in the Terms of Use or master services agreement),
  • Corrupted Subscriber content,
  • DDOS attacks, and
  • Relevant force majeure acts such as extreme weather, earthquakes, strikes or terrorist actions.


Communications between Fastly support engineers and Subscriber staff are conducted using the ticketing application, which maintains a time-stamped transcript of all communications, and sends emails to Subscriber and Fastly staff as tickets are updated.

Response time

Fastly shall use best efforts to respond in a timely fashion.

Termed contracts

The following applies to any Subscriber that has a contract with a term and a minimum commitment.

Response times

Fastly commits to acknowledging receipt of a support ticket within the next business day following submission of a support request.


In any three-month period where three (3) or more support Response Time objectives are not met and the failure to meet the objectives materially adversely impacted Subscriber, Subscriber shall have thirty (30) days to terminate their subscription agreement following the third failure.

Premium Support

The following applies to Subscribers who have purchased Premium Support.

Incident reporting

Severity 1 Incidents: Fastly will provide Subscriber an Incident Support Email address for Subscriber to report Incidents. Subscriber should report Incidents promptly using the Incident Support email.

Severity 2 Incidents: Subscriber should report Severity 2 Incidents by submitting a Support Request.

Response times

Fastly will respond to the report of an Incident by troubleshooting the causes of the Incident and resolve them if caused by factors within Fastly's control, or provide information to those who can resolve the factors if the factors are within others' control, as follows:

For a Severity 1 Incident:

  • Fastly support staff will acknowledge receipt of the email within 15 minutes.
  • Fastly will start actively troubleshooting within 30 minutes of receipt of the email.
  • Fastly will perform its tasks on a 24/7 basis.
  • Fastly and Subscriber will immediately communicate upon learning new information that may be useful in troubleshooting the Incident, and status updates between Fastly and Subscriber staff will take place no less frequently than every 30 minutes for the first two hours, and no less frequently than every hour thereafter.
  • Fastly staff will work until (a) the Incident is resolved or (b) the Incident is believed to be outside of Fastly's control.

For a Severity 2 Incident:

  • During Business Hours, Fastly support staff will acknowledge receipt of the email within two hours or within two hours of the start of the next business day if the Incident does not come in during a Business Day.
  • Fastly engineers will begin actively troubleshooting within one business day, will work on the Incident during Business Hours, and will provide status updates to Subscriber daily on each subsequent Business Day.

Charges for Incident Response

For Severity 1 Incidents caused by factors within Subscriber's control, a flat fee of $1500 will be assessed, and any time spent beyond three hours will be invoiced at Subscriber's undiscounted Professional Services rates.

For Severity 2 Incidents caused by factors within Subscriber's control, Subscriber will be invoiced at Subscriber's undiscounted Professional Services Rates.

For all Incidents:

  • If the Incident-causing factors are within Fastly's control, there will be no hourly charges for Fastly engineering staff time.
  • If the factors are within Subscriber's control, Subscriber agrees to pay Fastly its hourly charges for Fastly engineering staff time. If it appears likely the factors are within Subscriber's, Subscriber may tell Fastly staff to stop working on troubleshooting the Incident (thereby stopping the hourly charges from being incurred). Subscriber agrees to tell Fastly to stop working on an Incident via an email sent to Fastly's Incident Support email address. The timestamp on the email will be the time charges cease to be incurred.

Support Invoice Credits

In the event a Severity 1 Incident occurs, Subscriber has purchased Premium Support, the cause of the Incident is within Fastly's control, and any of the communication or response timeframes are materially not met, a one-time credit of $500 per Incident will be credited to Subscriber's account.

Credit Terms:

  • Requests for Invoice Credits must be made within 30 days of the Incident which triggered the service credit.
  • In no event shall Invoice Credits exceed the invoice value of the month in which they are accrued.
  • A pending credit does not release Subscriber from its obligation to pay Fastly's submitted invoices in full when due.
  • Credits will be applied to the invoice two months following the month an invoice credit was incurred.

Legacy Service availability SLA

Support availability and response times vary depending on the type of account you have and the level of support you have purchased.

Agreement TypeUnpaid AccountMonth-to-Month AccountTermed ContractPremium Support
Service Level AgreementNoneNoneTermination OptionInvoice Credits + Termination Option


  • "Degraded Performance" for the Services means the Services are experiencing Error Conditions that are (1) caused by issues under Fastly Control, (2) observable or reproducible by Subscriber or Fastly, (3) requiring Subscriber to redirect traffic off the Services. Degraded Performance does not include any reduction on availability of the Application Web Interface or API due to planned maintenance.
  • "Error Condition" means the Services are (1) not responding to end user requests, (2) incorrectly sending end users error condition messages or (3) sending incorrect partial content to end users and these conditions are observable or reproducible by Subscriber or Fastly.
  • "Fastly Control" means elements entirely under Fastly's control and not a consequence of (a) your hardware or software failures, (b) you or your end user's connectivity issues, (c) your operator errors, (d) traffic amounts that exceed your Permitted Utilization as defined in the Terms and Conditions, (e) your corrupted content, (f) acts of god (any) or war, or earthquakes, or terrorist actions.


Any Subscriber that has a contract with a term and a minimum commitment shall have thirty (30) days to terminate their subscription agreement if the Services experience Degraded Performance (a) for longer than 7.2 hours in any one month, or (b) for longer than 43.8 minutes each month in any three contiguous months. Subscriber shall have thirty (30) days to terminate their contract following the third failure.

Availability of invoice credits

Subscribers who purchase Premium Support shall be entitled to Invoice Credits according to the following table.

Availability PercentPeriod of Degraded PerformanceMonthly Credit Percent
Below 100% - 99.99%Up to 4.32 minutes1%
99.99% ­– 99.9%Up to 43.8 minutes5%
99.89% – 99.0%Up to 7.2 hours10%
98.99% - 98.0%Up to 14.4 hours25%
Below 97.99%Greater than 864 minutes50%

Invoice Credits for unavailability will accrue on a monthly basis. The Credit Amount for a month is equal to the monthly usage charge multiplied by Monthly Credit Percent.

Credit terms

  • Requests for Invoice Credits for Degraded Performance must be made within 30 days of the period of Degraded Performance.
  • The maximum amount of any credit is the Invoice Amount for the month the Degraded Performance occurred.
  • A pending credit does not release Subscriber from its obligation to pay Fastly's submitted invoices in full when due.
  • Credits will be applied to the Invoice two months following the month an invoice credit was incurred.

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