HIPAA-Compliant Caching and Delivery

​You can configure the Fastly CDN service to cache and transmit protected health information (PHI) in keeping with Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security requirements. Use the following features to ensure secure handling of cache data that contains PHI:

  • Configure frontend and backend TLS to encrypt transmitted data from your origin to your end users.

  • Add the beresp.hipaa variable to objects containing PHI to keep that data out of non-volatile disk storage at the edge.

Contact sales@fastly.com for more information on how to enable the beresp.hipaa feature for your account. For accounts that have this feature enabled, Fastly will enter into a HIPAA business associate agreement (BAA) as an addendum to our terms of service.


If you have purchased Fastly’s PCI-compliant caching or HIPAA-compliant caching products Fastly will enforce a minimum version of TLS 1.2 or higher for all connections to meet the compliance requirements mandated by the PCI Security Standards Council.


Fastly's security and technology compliance program includes safeguards for the entire Fastly CDN service, independent of using the beresp.hipaa variable. The Fastly security program and technology compliance content provide more information about these safeguards.

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