Agent container image

The official name of the container image for the Next-Gen WAF agent (formerly known as the Signal Sciences agent) is signalsciences/sigsci-agent. The sigsci-agent container image is available on Docker Hub. You can pull this image with signalsciences/sigsci-agent:latest (or replace latest with a version tag). If you need to modify this image or want to build it locally, then follow the instructions below.

Custom sigsci-agent Dockerfile

You can build on top of the existing sigsci-agent container image using FROM. However, some care needs to be taken as the Dockerfile is set up to run commands as the sigsci user instead of root. If you use the recommended Dockerfile, then you may need to change to the root user, then back to the sigsci user after any system modifications are done.

Example: Installing an additional package

2# Start from the official sigsci-agent container
3FROM signalsciences/sigsci-agent:latest
5# Change to root to install a package
6USER root
7RUN apk --no-cache add mypackage
9# Change back to the sigsci user at the end for runtime
10USER sigsci

Build the agent Docker container image

The recommended sigsci-agent Dockerfile is included in the sigsci-agent distribution .tar.gz archive.

To build the image, download and unpack this archive and follow the instructions in the included in the archive.

The following example commands:

  • Download the sigsci-agent_latest.tar.gz archive.
  • Unpack the archive into a ./sigsci-agent directory.
  • Build the image tagged with signalsciences/sigsci-agent:latest and signalsciences/sigsci-agent:<version>.
$ curl -O
$ mkdir sigsci-agent && tar zxvf sigsci-agent_latest.tar.gz -C sigsci-agent
$ cd sigsci-agent
$ make docker

You can use a custom name for the tags by setting IMAGE_NAME (e.g., make IMAGE_NAME=custom-prefix/sigsci-agent docker).

To build manually, run the following command, replacing YOUR-TAG and YOUR-VERSION:

$ docker build . -t your-tag:your-version

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