Generation Hope

Generation Hope


We train the collective ability to hope and in doing so we create the vision of the world we want to live in – together.

Om os

To create the world we wish to live in, we must first be able to envision it. Generation Hope’s mission is to enable us to imagine our dream world. We train the collective ability to hope and in doing so we create the vision of the world we want to live in – together.

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    TAKE PART IN DAY OF HOPE! ☁ Day of Hope is a 1 day event for young persons in local areas around Denmark. We will give them what our generation needs the most right now: Hope and belief that we can be involved in shaping our collective future. That our engagement makes a difference. AND YOU CAN BE A PART OF THAT! As a volunteer at Day of Hope you are part of facilitating the activities and engaging with participants. Your transportation will of course be paid by Generation Hope. And we will make sure to prepare you well for the event, so you too will have a fantastic day full of hope! If you have any general needs we should be aware of, just let us know! Day of Hope takes place during August and September. There will be events on Zealand, Funen, Jutland and Lolland. You can join in as many or as few times as you want to! Do you want to be part of spreading hope to young persons in Denmark? Send us a message on here, or write us an e-mail: And if you have any questions, just reach out! ☁

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  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    Imagine all the incredible movements, inventions and changes our world could have, if we encourage going for it by creating spaces where practice, stumbling, and attempts are supported with care. Where success is not measured by how established you appear, or how acknowledged you are by the system you are working on changing anyway. Where success is that you keep trying to make a positive impact. ☁ Where success is being able to hug each other after your first attempt and say: “We did it! We tried!” ☁ Where success is the intimidating experience of feeling like you are so small in a big arena of powerful actors to whom you do not matter … and realising that is perfectly okay, because you don’t actually want to reproduce that structure.  ☁ Sustainable practices and collective efforts can develop, if we dare to be honest with each other about the process. And we treat the process with love. We conducted the event FÅ HÅBET TILBAGE at Folkemødet 2024. The turnout was five people. Those people were two of our parents, two acquaintances, and the Folkemødet tent coordinator. This can appear like a failure. And it did take a lot from us to shift our own mindset away from thinking so. Yet we realised the success from this experience! The event was intimate, and we managed to create a safe space within the chaos of Folkemødet happening around us. We have no doubt we made an impact on those 5 people, and they definitely made an impact on us two. We are proud of our event at Folkemødet, and the positive impact it made on a total of seven people – and how can the act of making a positive impact on seven people be anything other than a success? ”tit kommer man jo bare til kun at nævne succeserne. Og det er virkelig ærgerligt, for det gør jo så at man tænker ”det skal være perfekt i første huk, for det var det jo for alle andre” … Og jeg tænker, at det må jo gøre at der er så mange mennesker, som kunne have skabt alt muligt fantastisk, som ender med at føle ”jamen jeg er alligevel ikke god nok” når i virkeligheden de ville have været mere end gode nok, hvis bare de havde fået at vide, at det tager 3 eller 10 forsøg.” - Nanna Vedel-Hertz in conversation with Mette Bratlann on the podcast Kvartvejs.

  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    INTRODUCING: LOVE LETTERS TO THE FUTURE ❤️ We developed this concept because we wanted to practice thinking and talking about the future with RESPECT and LOVE as if it was a person. Through love letters we strengthen our bond with the future. And we connect it to our present ourselves. For those of you at Folkemødet, come find us! And write or draw a love letter to the future - in any language ❤️

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  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    Yesterday we produced the materials we are bringing to this year’s Folkemødet happening next week. And when we say produced, we mean repurposed recycled elements! A broken backpack, the cardboard box from some kitchen equipment, and a piece of scrap advertisement sign are amongst the elements we today transformed into central pieces for our event. And speaking of our event at Folkemødet… ☁️ FÅ HÅBET TILBAGE ☁️ FREDAG 14 . JUNI 19:00-19:45 RØGERIETS DEBATTELT Mark it in your Folkemødet app! Nanna Vedel-Hertz and Stella René will be there on behalf of Generation Hope all three days.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    Working from our mobile office consisting of our backpacks, laptops, and notebooks brings with it a whole new experience when travelling. Monday night Generation Hope founders, Nanna Vedel-Hertz and Stella René were sitting in the hotel lobby in Delhi, India, while we registered our event for Folkemødet‘s event programme. We are grateful for all the exciting things happening right now and the opportunities coming to Generation Hope. You can attend our event FÅ HÅBET TILBAGE on Friday the 14th of June at 19:00 in Røgeriets Debattelt. We cannot wait! ✨☁️

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  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    Since we started Generation Hope officially back in August 2023 both Stella René and Nanna Vedel-Hertz, Gen H founders, have been working other jobs on the side. We wanted nothing more than to devote all of our time to Generation Hope, but we also needed to pay our bills. For most of last week we have been frantically checking our emails. HOPING that we would get the message. That we could finally start working on Generation Hope the way we have dreamt of from the day we started. And now we can! ☁️ We are incredibly excited and proud to say that thanks to OpEn-puljen by CISU - Civilsamfund i Udvikling / Civil Society in Development, Udenrigsministeriet, and Roskilde Festival and to Tuborgfondet we are able to pay ourselves a salary for the next four months. It is only part-time. But it's a start. A really, really good start! Funding. Money. It's never an easy topic, is it? Especially not in the non-profit industry where we're working for something close to our hearts. We're supposed to be doing it just because we love it, right? And we do love it! But if this is to be sustainable, we need to be able to earn a living from it. Generation Hope needs to be built with sustainable practices. Not with burnout or stress, which is exactly what we risk if we spread ourselves thinner than what is healthy. We are building Generation Hope by using the practices we want in our future. And that includes having the resources to earn a living while doing it. That's why we were frantically checking our emails last week. We were waiting on the message for whether our application for funding at Tuborgfondet had gone through. And it did! It is the most amazing feeling to be THIS excited to WORK. We have never before been looking this much forward to working. Before founding Generation Hope, work had seemed like squeezing ourselves into a box we didn’t actually fit into. It was hard and draining. Now, work seems joyful, fun, exciting, and meaningful. Something we believe everyone should get to experience no matter where or with what they work. ✨ So wait, did we just say that Tuborgfondet has provided funding to Generation Hope?? YES WE DID! We have been granted funding from Tuborgfondet’s Drømmepulje for a project happening this summer, and we cannot wait to tell you all about it … ☁️💚💙

  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    This June we are headed to Allinge, Bornholm, as Generation Hope is going to FOLKEMØDET 2024! ☁️ We have been awarded a wildcard by Folkemødet . Wildcards are spots on stages during Folkemødet given to those not financially able to purchase one. We applied for a wildcard to spread hope at Folkemødet this year, and we are so thankful to now say that WE GOT ONE! ✨ The timeslot and location is currently unknown. More info will follow. But regardless of time and space, we cannot wait! If you are attending Folkemødet this year, we hope to see you ☁️

  • Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    Early this morning our chairperson Nanna Vedel-Hertz was on Danish morning tv, TV 2 Danmark’s Go’ Morgen Danmark, to talk about her own experiences with tinnitus and sudden deafness. At age 20 Nanna suddenly lost her hearing on the right ear, and is now hard of hearing. Today, at age 29, she manages well and has learned to adapt to her disability that from one moment to another significantly impacted her life. It has meant that she uses a hearing aid and she needs to take more frequent breaks. Her body reacts differently to auditory stimuli than how others may cope. It is a disability that most often goes unnoticed by others, and it means that Nanna herself must always direct attention to it in order to make sure that 1) she can participate equally and 2) her need for additional rest is recognised as legitimate. Nanna sharing her lived experiences sheds light on something important: We have to allow needs to be needs. And we need to create a world where we are able and allowed to listen to our bodies and respond accordingly. In Generation Hope we believe in a society that accommodates that - and we are working towards actualising it. This applies regardless of what our needs are. Be it physical handicap, mental well-being, illness, minority stress, or something else. Our needs are our needs, and we refuse to fold ourselves into a mould of a standardised human that no one actually fits completely into anyway. Why should we? Who does it benefit? Let’s re-structure to make real space for us all! ☁️

    Se profil for Nanna Vedel-Hertz, grafik

    Forfatter til De nye voksne · Stifter af Generation Hope

    Livet er skørt, og da jeg vågnede i mandags, havde jeg ikke i min vildeste fantasi forestillet mig, at det her var ugen, hvor jeg skulle ende på forsiden af Berlingske eller i Go' Morgen Danmark.🌟 Det er ekstra skørt, fordi jeg efterhånden så sjældent tænker aktivt over, at jeg lever med tinnitus. Det er jo bare min normalitet. Og alle forbeholdene er nu så integreret en del af, hvordan jeg lever, at jeg glemmer, der var et liv før tinnitus, der så anderledes ud. Det viser sig, at der bliver flere og flere af os - os med tinnitus - især af os unge med tinnitus, og det er vigtigt, at vi begynder at sætte fokus på, hvad vi kan gøre for at undgå det. Og lige præcis derfor sagde jeg ja til både Berlingske og Go' Morgen Danmark. For selvom jeg lever et liv, der er helt igennem fantastisk på trods af min tinnitus, så ville jeg til hver en tid hellere være den foruden. Og det er derfor mennesker som Susanne Nemholt, der sad ved min side i dag, er så vigtige, for de kan gøre os så meget klogere på, hvad vi kan gøre for at passe på vores hørelse og ikke mindst at mindske forekomsten af tinnitus. Og fordi livet jo også bare er livet, så er det første billede mig, der er på vej ind til studiet i morges kl. 06.00 i regn og tåge og mørke og med lidt nervøse knæ. Video og artikel fra Berlingske kan ses (med abonnement) her: og Go' Morgen Danmark kan (med abonnement) ses her: Kæmpe tak til Høreforeningen for at sende begge interviews min vej, og for at have været så alt afgørende for, at jeg lærte at leve med mit høretab. 💕

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    Se organisationssiden for Generation Hope, grafik

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    🌟We are going to Bhutan! 🌟 The country that has developed and implemented the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH). The index is created to measure the collective happiness and wellbeing of a population and is more important to the government of Bhutan than the typical economically based Gross National Product. The GNH includes classic socio-economic aspects such as living standards and health, but also includes areas such as culture, psychological wellbeing and communal vitality. The practice of the GNH index has at times been subject of much debate. There is no denying that it represents a radically different perspective on society, than what most European countries are based on. To an organisation like us, who are primarily based in Europe (for now), Bhutan represents a chance to learn and challenge what we take for granted. We are going with an open mind and deep curiosity and willingness to learn - no matter the outcome.📝 We received support to not only travel to Bhutan for two weeks, but also afterwards carry out workshops at five schools in Denmark focused on what Bhutan can teach us about hope and action. The support is granted by the Danish OpEn-puljen - Udenrigsministeriets Oplysnings- og Engagementspulje. This is our first ever funding and we cannot tell you how happy we are! As a newly founded organisation it can feel like an impossible task to gain financial support. Yet support like this is essential to allow us to carry out the work needed to truly have an impact. To make a difference. Significant change needs significant re-thinking. Significant re-doing. Re-valuing. Re-learning. And it is a process of continuous learning. Therefore we are immensely grateful for OpEn-Puljen and their trust in us. With this they recognise the potential for change that we also see. They show us that we are not alone. CISU - Civilsamfund i Udvikling / Civil Society in Development Fonden Roskilde Festival Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark #CISU #RoskildeFestivalFonden #Udenrigsministeriet #EnDelAfOpen Stella René Nanna Vedel-Hertz Johan Vedel Emilie Brøndum Reeh

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