Winners 2020

Digital Transformation

LinkedIn profile link Bartłomiej Pucek

Bartłomiej Pucek

Country digital manager w IKEA

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Awarded for the digital transformation of remote sales channels, which led to the launch of an e-commerce store.

LinkedIn profile link Paweł Borys - Prezes Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju - Digital Shapers 2019 - Inwestycje

Paweł Borys

Prezes Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju (PFR)

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Awarded for digital service to beneficiaries of aid programs implemented under the PFR's crisis shield. As a result, thousands of entrepreneurs received financial assistance in record time.

Tomasz Blicharski

Wiceprezes zarządu ds. finansowych i rozwoju w Żabka Polska

Awarded for Zappka Pay, a contactless payment method sewn into the mobile application.


Dawid Łasiński

Dawid Łasiński

Nauczyciel chemii w Zespole Szkół im. gen. Dezyderego Chłapowskiego w Bolechowie

Awarded for the Mr Belfer project and the co-creation of - a tool for teachers to work remotely during the pandemic.

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dr Tomasz Rożek

Prezes Fundacji Nauka To Lubię

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Awarded for debunking myths about, among other things, the harmfulness of 5G networks and the negative effects of electromagnetic fields (PEM) on human health.

LinkedIn profile link

Przemysław Staroń

Nauczyciel etyki w II LO im. Bolesława Chrobrego w Sopocie

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Awarded for promoting an evaluative approach to new technologies.

Innovations and Technologies

Miron Mironiuk

Założyciel Cosmose AI

Awarded for its highly accurate understanding and prediction of consumer needs through the use of location data of smartphone owners.

Piotr Orzechowski

Prezes Infermedica

Awarded for developing a tool to assess the risk of coronavirus infection, which was used by health ministries from Poland and Ukraine.

LinkedIn profile link

Przemek Ku��mierek

Prezes MIGAM

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Awarded for supporting people with disabilities, enabling them to use banking services - e.g., translating the content of documents into sign language.


Mark Dekan

Prezes Ringier Axel Springer Media AG

Awarded for the acquisition of classifieds websites:,,, which allowed the RASP media group to significantly increase its share in this part of the online market.

Robert Lewandowski


Awarded for spreading the idea of investing in companies in the technology sector among the wealthy and famous. Robert Lewandowski invested in Less, an app for trading second-hand clothing (a zero waste trend), and believed in Movie Games, a sports game developer.

Zygmunt Solorz

Właściciel Cyfrowego Polsatu

Awarded for the acquisition of Interia and purchasing a 22 per cent stake in Asseco.


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Anna Streżyńska

Prezes Mc2 Innovations

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Awarded for its clear vision for developing digital government and digital public services, including making a driver's license or ID card available via smartphone.

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Prof. dr hab. med. Krystian Jażdżewski

Współzałożyciel i chief medical officer w Warsaw Genomics

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Awarded for using technology to improve the quality of human life.

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Rafał Brzoska

Założyciel i prezes InPost

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Awarded for innovative services that have been revolutionizing the Polish and international postal and courier sector and the entire e-commerce sector by providing parcel machines.