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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Big data

Data has become a key asset for the economy and our societies and the need to make sense of ‘big data’ is leading to innovations in technology.

Big data refers to large amounts of data produced very quickly by a high number of diverse sources. Data can either be created by people or generated by machines, such as sensors gathering climate information, satellite imagery, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, GPS signals, and more. It covers many sectors, from healthcare to transport to energy.

Generating value at the different stages of the data value chain will be at the centre of the future knowledge economy. Good use of data can also bring opportunities to more traditional sectors such as transport, health or manufacturing. Improved analytics and processing of data, especially of big data, will make it possible to:

  • transform Europe’s service industries by generating a wide range of innovative information products and services;
  • increase the productivity of all sectors of the economy through improved business intelligence;
  • address more efficiently many of the challenges that face our societies;
  • improve research and speed up innovation;
  • achieve cost reductions through more personalised services;
  • increase efficiency in the public sector.

Latest News

Commission calls on 18 Member States to comply with the EU Data Governance Act

The European Commission decided to open infringement procedures by sending a letter of formal notice to 18 Member States that did not designate the responsible authorities to implement the Data Governance Act, or that have failed to prove that the latter are empowered to perform the tasks required by the Act.

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EU-funded R&I projects on data

The implementation of data projects is geared towards achieving a more effective and efficient management of big data.

See Also

Data Act

The Data Act is a comprehensive initiative to address the challenges and unleash the opportunities presented by data in the European Union, emphasising fair access and user rights, while ensuring the protection of personal data.

Free flow of non-personal data

The EU wants to ensure a free flow of data in Europe, allowing companies and public administrations to store and process non-personal data wherever they choose.

European Data Governance Act

A European Data Governance Act, which is fully in line with EU values and principles, will bring significant benefits to EU citizens and companies.