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AI Factories

AI Factories leverage the supercomputing capacity of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking to develop trustworthy cutting-edge generative AI models.

Bridging Innovation and Trust

In January 2024 a package of measures was launched to support European startups and SMEs in the development of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) that respects EU values and rules. It followed the political agreement reached in December 2023 on the EU AI Act which supports the development, deployment and take-up of trustworthy AI in the EU.

This package is designed to support AI startups and innovation. It includes a proposal to amend the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) Regulation, thus providing access to AI-optimised supercomputers to startups and the broader innovation community – the creation of AI Factories.

AI Factories are dynamic ecosystems that foster innovation, collaboration, and development in the field of AI. They bring together the necessary ingredients – computer power, data, and talent– to create cutting-edge generative AI models. They serve as hubs driving advancements in AI applications across various key domains, from health to energy, and from manufacturing to meteorology.

This initiative aligns with the broader strategy of creating an ecosystem of excellence and trust in AI within the Union, leveraging initiatives like the AI Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) to validate and promote trustworthy AI innovations. TEFs are networks of world-class experimentation and testing sites, playing a crucial role in supporting the deployment and uptake of trustworthy AI technologies, as well as assisting European innovators in bringing their AI-powered solutions closer to market. The close interplay between AI Factories and TEFs is expected to further enhance the innovation ecosystem, providing pre-market validation for AI innovations developed within AI Factories.

The recently established European AI Office will collaborate closely with the EuroHPC JU and key stakeholders to coordinate actions and combine resources, encouraging investment in the development, refinement, and integration of advanced AI models into key applications.

Through the EuroHPC JU, the Commission and Member States and Associated Countries will invest a total amount of EUR 2.1 billion in acquiring new or upgrading existing EuroHPC supercomputers with AI capabilities, creating supercomputing services in AI, and developing AI-oriented microprocessors and skills support. In addition, the Commission will provide financial support for startup incubation and scale-up activities of EUR 100 million via InvestEU that would leverage an additional investment of EUR 1 billion.

As the EuroHPC JU Regulation undergoes revision, more information will be provided on how AI Factories will be established and integrated with existing AI initiatives.

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