Microsoft Developer Blogs

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Introducing Python Function Choice Behavior: Streamlining AI Model Configuration

  Introducing Function Choice Behavior Today, we're excited to introduce the Function Choice Behavior, an enhancement over the existing Function Call Behavior. This new feature streamlines configuration and supports specifying multiple required functions, simplifying code and enhancing functionality. One significant advantage of ...

Secure your Python applications with Microsoft Entra External ID

Integrate Microsoft Entra External ID with your Python Flask applications for secure user authentication. By leveraging External ID, you can securely manage access for external identities like business partners and customers, create custom branded sign-up experiences, and simplify user management. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up and run a sample Flask application using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).

Open Sourcing DXIL Validator Hash

Today the HLSL team is announcing plans to open source the DXIL validator hashing algorithm and include it in the DirectXShaderCompiler sources on GitHub. If you’re wondering what any of that means, strap in! DXIL Validator To understand the DXIL Validator you first need to understand a few basics of what DXIL is. DXIL, the DirectX ...