Microsoft Entra Identity Platform

A developer platform that helps protect your users and data.

Secure your Python applications with Microsoft Entra External ID

Integrate Microsoft Entra External ID with your Python Flask applications for secure user authentication. By leveraging External ID, you can securely manage access for external identities like business partners and customers, create custom branded sign-up experiences, and simplify user management. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up and run a sample Flask application using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).

Adding branded URLs to authentication with Microsoft Entra External ID Custom URL Domains

Announcing the Public Preview of Custom URL Domains for Microsoft Entra External ID, which allow you to replace default Microsoft authentication domain endpoints with your own branded domains. This feature offers flexibility and customization for the authentication journey. The blog post explores custom URL domains, detailing how to configure them to create a personalized sign-in experience that reflects your brand identity.

Announcing public preview of Bicep templates support for Microsoft Graph

Announcing the public preview of Bicep templates for Microsoft Graph resources. These templates introduce declarative infrastructure-as-code (IaC) capabilities for Microsoft Graph resources, initially targeting core Microsoft Entra ID resources. Define and deploy your tenant infrastructure, such as Entra ID groups or applications, using a Bicep file throughout the development lifecycle.